Results for "c"

Top-level pages

  • Perl Special Vars Quick Reference

    ...ameters. $a$b sort comparison routine variables. @ARGV The command-line args.'; ${^RE_TRIE_MAXBUF} Control memory allocations for...ault "\f"). $^A Format Accumulator Status Reportin...or detailed descriptions of each of these (and a few more) sp...

    2687 days ago

  • Quick next generation sequencing (NGS) terms definition

    ...ution. Therefore, in the absence of structural variants, mapp...he fragment size distribution can be learned empirically for...everse strand2, (b) the distance between ends is between the...e number of reads that “cover” each base-pair to...

    2565 days ago

  • Awesome perl frameworks, libraries and software - PART 1

    A curated list of awesome Perl fr...-perl - MySQLTuner is a script written in Perl that will assist you with your MySQL configuration and make recommen...ritic - The leading static analyzer for Perl. Configurab...wmethedesktop - Perl + VNC + WebSockets + HTML5 Canvas...

    2532 days ago

  • Import R Data

    It is often necessary to import sample textbo...king on your homework. Excel File Quite frequently, the sample data is in Excel format, and needs to b... the foreign package > help(read....rking Directory Finally, the code samples above assume the d...

    2532 days ago

  • Phylogenetic & Molecular Genetics Terms and Definitions

    ...ppears similar in two taxa which have originated from two different ancestors. ancestor -- Any organ...s -- The development of a new clade; the splitting of a singl...utionary tree -- A diagram which depicts the hypothetical phy...original or derived. Original characters are those acquired b...

    2505 days ago

  • Alignment-free sequence comparison tools available for next-generation sequencing data analysis

    kallisto Transcript abundance quantification from RNA-seq...of known SNV/SNP variants directly from raw NGS sequence read...o genome assembly MHAP Produces highly continuous assembly...S under different Markov chain models (using k-word...

    2414 days ago

  • SPAdes hybrid genome assembly

    ...bly - SPAdes was used to produce the B fragilis assembly by Mick Watson’s group. Again...lag is required for metagenomic sample data --rna...ame> file with interlaced reads for high-quality mate...toff <float> coverage cutoff value (a positi...

    2394 days ago

  • Single Cell RNAseq data analysis tutorial !!

    A major breakthrough (replaced microarrays) in the late 00&rsquo...ion level for each gene across a large population of inp...low-level analysis of single-cell RNA-seq data with Biocondu...ctor models applied to single-cell RNA-seq data separate biol...

    2394 days ago

  • RNAseq data analysis links !

    RNA-sequencing (RNA-seq) has a wide variety of applications, but no single analysis pipeline can be used in all cases. We re...s in RNA-seq data analysis, including experimental design, qu...q experiments with TopHat and Cufflinks. EBI RNA-Seq exercis...

    2394 days ago

  • Edit distance application in bioinformatics !

    ...r measures of edit distance, which are calculated using a diffe...transposition of two adjacent characters; the array of strings my $css_ary_ref = CSS_Sorted( \@SEQ...tation of the Brew edit distance, which is another algorithm...

    2384 days ago