Results for "B"

Top-level pages

  • Linux Commands Cheat Sheet for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Professionals

    ...s cheat sheet is to introduce biologist and bioinformatician to the page navigation head file — output the first 10...mdash; read and write only 5 — read and execute on...a — move cursor to beginning of line ctrl+f &...

    2338 days ago

  • Awk for Bioinformatician and computational biologist

    ...ttern matches, no action will be performed.In the above synta...h is the default action.Empty braces with out any action does...sents the whole line. NF is a builtin variable which represen...TTATATATTYou can have as many blocks as you want and they wil...

    2337 days ago

  • Computational resources for TE discovery and TE detection

    Transposable Elements (TEs) to genome st...discovery and TE detection: BLASTER suite  find_ltr http://darw...mak06.html MaskerAid me...html TSDfinder

    2332 days ago

  • Webinar on RNA-Seq Data Analysis on 28 Feb 2018

    Strand NGS is a biologist friendly NGS analysis tool that allows biologists to analyze their data...ization of RNA-Seq data. This webinar will give an overview of...UMI support and elastic genome browser used in RNA-Seq workflo...pipelines for time consuming jobs which automates analysis and...

    2322 days ago

  • Bioinformatics tools to detect horizontal gene transfer (HGT) in genomes

    ...tively common in prokaryotes and single-celled eukaryote...ryotic species to gain a gene by HGT, foreign DNA must enter...otential for genetic incompatibility with the host genome and.../ 4.01 HGT detection / download binary (!license!)...

    908 days ago

  • Python learning resources for bioinformatics and computational biologist !

    ...language, which means it can be used to build just about anything, whic...Learning Systems with Python - Willi Richert & Luis...s Meyers (2.4) Think Python - Allen B. Downey (2.x &...ecture Notes SICP in Python (3.2) Snake Wrangling For...

    2313 days ago

  • IUPAC codes

    IUPAC codes DNA: Nucleotide Code: Base: ---------------- ----- A..............................G or T M.................A or C B.................C or G or T.................A or C or G N.................any base . or Pro...

    2303 days ago

  • Some useful Bioinformatics links

    ...e prediction of rearrangement breakpoint reads | Bioinformatics | Oxford Academic page How To...

    2299 days ago

  • Bioinformatics OneLiner

    ...opy (move, rename, etc) files based on their list in a text f...d.samsamtools view -f4 sample.bam > sample.unmapped.sam T...echo $((`wc -l`/4)) To count base pairs in a all .fastq.gz f...ed.fastq To print difference between the last and first row...

    2275 days ago

  • Installing Bio::SCF perl module written in Perl, some use XS (they are written in C...libz.soln -s -O3 -D_LARGEFILE64_S...lude -I../read -I../alf -I../abi -I../ctf -I../ztr -I../plain...lude -I../read -I../alf -I../abi -I../ctf -I../ztr -I../plain...

    2276 days ago