Results for "vi"

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  • Bioinformatics in Africa:- Part 1

    ...ull; Bring an active help to the improvement of the public health while having for constant worries t...sp;institute and partners Long­term training activities: • To integrat...

    1241 days ago

  • Installing ELGG on Ubuntu !

    ...r browser does not support checking via JavaScript. You can continue...create a .httaccess and provide detail in it Installation...galphauser. mysql> grant all privileges on elggalpha.* to 'elgga...lggalphauser User that has full priviledges to the MySQL database t...

    944 days ago

  • Elgg Installation steps !

    ...hat allows the creation of social environments such as campus social...nd access to it? [Y/N] Y Reload privilege tables now? [Y/N] Y In...te a new MySQL user and grant it privileges to the newly created dat..._LOG_DIR}/access.log combined </VirtualHost> Enable the co...

    658 days ago

  • Read Simulators some popular short read simulators. Links to their publications are provided as well. MetaSim wgsim...introduced PacBio and ONT simulators. Links to their publications are provided as well. PacBio Simulator...

    635 days ago

  • Tools for Geospatial data analysis !

    ...atial data. They can help you visualize data, perform complex...e of the tools are focused on visualization, such as Cartopy,...pes of data, and can help you visualize data, perform with geospatial data, from visualizing and manipulating dat...

    462 days ago

  • Bioinformatics tools for genome assembly !

    ...enome assembler for long reads, designed for highly complex metagenomic samples. Please note that the field of bioinformatics is constantly evolving, and new assembly tools may...

    337 days ago

  • Steps to find all the repeats in the genome !

    ...tool called "" that can help you parse RepeatMasker output files[0]. You can download it from the source provided. Use the provided Perl script: Once you have...

    300 days ago

  • Mitochondrial genome assembly tools !

    ...sembly using the read data. MITOS: MITOS is a web-based platform that provides a pipeline for annotating...omes. It integrates multiple software tools for assembly, annotation, and visualization of mitogenomes. M...

    294 days ago