Results for "pe"

Top-level pages

  • List of non-commercial NGS genotype-calling software

    ...ccurate calling of SNPs and genotypes. Recently developed statistical methods both imp...sp; A list of programs for genotype and SNP calling : SOAP2 ...lele frequencies. Site frequency spectrum (SFS) estimation Samtoo...i-sample LD Candidate SNPs, genotype likelihoods Software for impu...

    2153 days ago

  • Parallel Processing with Perl !

    ...ics analysis. One best way is using perl threads and forks. Knowing...simple and efficient technique with perl which i have been using. I...k the file using flock command. open (my $QUAL, “myfile.txt...“file_name”`; step2: open you directory comtaining you...

    2136 days ago

  • Benchmarking Perl Module !

    ...h a way to optimize our code. With the advent of petascale computing and other mu...eccesity to know about the CPU time taken by our perl program. This is the simpl...t to timethese is 100 (evaluate 100 times). Hope this very small tutorial with...

    2136 days ago

  • Installing BLAT on Linux !

    ...thing about building blat is that you need to set the MACHTYPE variable so that the BLAT sources know what type of machine you are compiling...common.mkI replaced the line BINDIR=${HOME}/bin/${MACHTYPE} with BINDIR=/usr/local...

    2119 days ago

  • Bioinformatics Services / CRO Services

    ...ctive cutting edge technology solutions to chemical and life science research and industry. We provide our customers with A seamless model of wide expertise and comprehensive platfo...

    1699 days ago

  • World promising health companies !

    The health care industry is expected to sustain stable growth over the next decad...ine have prolonged the average lifespans of most people, requiring more health ca...reatments over longer terms. In years past, once people turned 65 and enrolled in...

    1643 days ago

  • Frequent parameters for bioinformatics tools !

    ...bsp; blastn (taxonomy, 16S) -evalue 1E-10   blastn (MLST) -ungapped -dust no -evalue 1E-20 -word_size 32 -culling_limit 2 -perc_identity 95   blastp...

    1342 days ago

  • Bioinformatics in Africa:- Part 1

    ...nbsp;and the innovation.  • Start training researchers to use bioinformatics as an indispensable tool to ...

    1246 days ago

  • Installing ELGG on Ubuntu !

    ...e two choices: 1. Change the permissions on the elgg-config d...lve this --  Change the permision  chmod 777 elgg-...  Elgg   Type umask 022 Change into y...d for Elgg to save files (the permissions on this directory ar...

    949 days ago

  • Special Nucleotide Characters / Symbols !

    Nucleotide symbols Nucleotide symbol Full Name A Adenine C Cytosine G Guanine T Thymine U Uracil R Guanine / Adenine (puri...

    927 days ago