Results for "Human microbiome"

ResearchLabs posts

  • Papenfuss Lab

    The human genome project and similar projects in disease-causing organisms such as Plasmodium falciparum, which causes malaria in humans, have provided new tools accelerated the development of understanding in human dise...

    3985 days ago

  • The Laboratoire de genomique fonctionelle

    One persistent challenge of post genome biology remains the determination of the functions of all potential genes...d developmental regulation. It is now believed that AS occurs in up to 74% of human gene...

    3985 days ago

  • The Ontario Institute for Cancer Research (OICR) Genomics Lab , Toronto, Canada.

    The Human Genome Project led to the development of a wide array of technologies to screen the genome and its products (genes, proteins, metabolites) and molecules that in...

    3956 days ago


    Genome sequencing projects have enormous potential for benefiting human endeavors. However, just as acquiring a language's vocabulary does not enable one to speak it, databases that list t...

    3922 days ago

  • Chang lab

    The Chang lab is focused on how the activities of hundreds or even thousands of genes (gene parties) are coordina...rge-scale gene regulatory programs; these methods have provided insights into human deve...

    3913 days ago

  • Mike Ritchie Lab

    Mike Ritchie Lab primary research focus is the detection of susceptibility genes for common diseases such as canc...thods with a focus on the detection of gene-gene interactions associated with human dise...

    3905 days ago

  • Shendure Lab

    The Shendure Lab is part of the Department of Genome Sciences at the University of Washington (Seattle, WA). The...echnology 2012), and generally fall into one of six areas: 1) next-generation human gene...

    3898 days ago

  • Yau Group

    Yau Group are a new research group based at the Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics and the Department of Statistics at the University of Oxford. Yau Group develops statistical and com...

    3892 days ago

  • Roth Lab

    The Roth Lab seeks insight into biological systems through genome- and proteome-scale experimentation and analysi...Using genome-scale genotyping of natural polymorphisms in S. cerevisiae and human popu...

    3745 days ago

  • Gerstein Lab

    The focus of the Gerstein Lab is interpreting personal genomes, particularly in relation to disorders, such as ca...the emerging discipline of data science. Personal Genome Variation: SVs Human Geno...

    3737 days ago