Results for "molecular docking"

ResearchLabs posts

  • ShendureLab

    The mission of our lab is to develop and apply new technologies and methods for genetics, genomics and molecular biology. Most of our work exp...tive publications in each area. Developing New Molecul...

    2348 days ago

  • Hejnol Group

    The group studies a broad range of animal taxa using morphological and molecular tools to unravel the evolution and development of animal organ systems. To understand the evolution of th...

    2292 days ago

  • Prof. Dr. med. Andreas Ramming

    In many autoimmune diseases, a misdirected immune response leads to chronic inflammation and subsequently to fibrotic...rotic and synovitic autoimmune diseases. His group is therefore deal with the molecul...

    1761 days ago

  • Troyanskaya Lab

    The goal of our research is to interpret and distill this complexity through accurate analysis and modeling of molecul...

    1580 days ago

  • The Clark Lab

    Study the process of Adaptive Evolution, during which species adopt novel traits to overcome challenges. We retrace t...eries have already led to advances in human health, species conservation, and molecul...

    1577 days ago

  • Josefa González Lab

    Lab focus on understanding how organisms adapt to their environments. They combine omics approaches with detailed molecul...

    1018 days ago

  • Vicoso group

    The Vicoso group investigates how sex chromosomes evolve over time, and what biological forces are driving their patt...he X, while others only compensate specific genes? What are the frequency and molecul...

    851 days ago