Results for "Genome Biology"

ResearchLabs posts

  • Gerstein Lab

    The focus of the Gerstein Lab is interpreting personal genomes, particularly in relation to disorders, such as cancer. This endeavor h...ive fields, within the emerging discipline of data science. Personal Genome...

    3750 days ago

  • The Minerva Research Group for Bioinformatics

    The focus of the bioinformatics group is to use computational approaches to gain an insight into genome...

    3681 days ago

  • Yannick Wurm Lab

    Evolutionary genomics of social insects. Extensive theoretical work has explained how and why complex societies evo...RNAseq, RADseq...). For example we recently: 1. sequenced and analyzed the genome...

    3609 days ago

  • Computational Structural Biology Lab IITKGP

    The major areas of research: Molecular recognition: Protein-protein, Protein-Nucleic acid and Protein-ligand interactions. Studies on multi-component protein assemb...

    3281 days ago

  • Joao Pedro de Magalhaes Lab

    Ageing has a profound impact on human society and modern medicine, yet it remains a major puzzle of biology. The goal of my work is to

    3559 days ago

  • Nieduszynski Group

    Complete, accurate replication of the genome is essential for life. All chr...ome replication is regulated to ensure genome stability. By focusing on the basic biology that underpins cell growth an...

    3559 days ago

  • MIT Computational Biology Group

    ...ry environment at the interface of Computer Science and Biology. Since its inception, our la...h the Broad Institute and the Computational and Systems Biology initiative (CSBi) at MIT, our participation in the Epigenome Roadmap, ENCODE, and modENCODE...

    3476 days ago

  • Ryan E. Mills Lab

    Our research group is primarily focused on the analysis of whole genome sequence data to identify genetic variation (...nterested in analyzing complex regions of the genome that are not easily resolved...ata sets, as well as the application of whole genome...

    3318 days ago

  • Nicolas Corradi Lab

    ...l of our research is to better understand the biology of microbial organisms of si...sequencing and bioinformatics with molecular biology and experimental procedures....ation Genomics of Plant Symbionts - Parasite Genome Evolution - Experimental Evol...

    3317 days ago

  • Rosenberg lab

    Research. Research in the lab focuses on mathematical, statistical, and computational problems in evolutionary biology and human genetics. Long-term...

    3316 days ago