Results for "LOng"


  • Install Perl Locally !

    ...DBD::mysql Encode File::Copy::Recursive Perl::OSType Module::Metadata Statistics::Lite Tie::Autotie Tie::IxHash Log::Log4perl FindBin::Real Getopt::Long Catalyst::Runtime Catalyst::D...

    2196 days ago

  • Retrieve NCBI GenBank records with a range of accession numbers

    ...ard ( use warnings; use strict; use Getopt::Long; use LWP::Simple; use URI::...s => 0, maxRetries => 5, help => undef ); Getopt::Long::Configure('bundling'); GetO...

    2968 days ago

  • Perl script to calculate N50

    ...ulation ### Output : None. The N50 value as well as the number of sequences >= this value is sent to STDOUT ### use strict; use Getopt::Long; use Bio::SeqIO; my $fast...

    2756 days ago

  • DotPlot with Perl GD

    ...print STDERR "does not work correctly you will\n"; print STDERR "have to install DB_File version 1.814.\n\n"; } } } use Getopt::Long; sub usage(); sub main();...

    2745 days ago

  • Genetic Algorithms demonstration with word DNA in Perl

    ...; # start with 0 fitness my $max_entry_length = 20; # longest word we accept # you a substring, that's OK) # increment the fitness depending on how long the match was; $fitness +...

    2423 days ago

  • Create genome scaffolding with Perl pod documentation in usage code use Getopt::Long qw(:config auto_version auto_...ortTarget = ($tSize < $qSize) ? 1 : 0; my $longTarget = (1 - $shortTarget);...ortTarget * 4)]; my $lLen = $fields[10 + ($longTarget * 4)]; my $sStart...

    2360 days ago

  • Installing Busco version 4.0.6

    ...onda/linux-64::perl-file-path-2.16-pl526_0 perl-file-temp bioconda/linux-64::perl-file-temp-0.2304-pl526_2 perl-getopt-long bioconda/linux-64::perl-getopt-long-2.50-pl526_1 perl-ipc-cmd...

    1505 days ago

  • BloomFilter

    ...essor... gcc -E checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /bin/grep ch...essor... gcc -E checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /bin/grep ch...essor... gcc -E checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /bin/grep ch...

    2203 days ago

  • Install Parrot Virtual Machine !

    ...ts configuration. do "lib/Parrot/Config/" failed, '.' is no longer in @INC; did you mean do "....f..............................yes, C99. auto::mathl - Test for long math support....................

    1589 days ago

  • Long reads mapper bash script !

    ...s is a bash scrip to map your long reads and make it visualizati...ed toolName=$1 refFasta=$2 longReads=$3 thread=$4 readsType...$bwaMemLoc mem $refFasta $longReads -t $thread > $fileName.o...c -t $thread -r $refFasta -q $longReads -o $fileName.out.sam -x...

    2174 days ago