Results for "dRAD and ddRAD sequencing"


  • Downloading GATK !

    ...ES/FILE gatk forwards commands to GATK and adds some sugar for submittin...Tools that process sequencing machine data, e.g. Illumina base calls, and detect sequencing level attributes, e.g....Collect whole genome sequencing-related metrics. Colle...

    2214 days ago

  • Bash script to download SRA file !

    #We can use the sratoolkit to directly pull the sequence data (in downloading data from a particular sequencing run ID fastq-dump The --split-files part of the command e...s we get two files, one for the first and second mate in each pair. We'll use...

    1698 days ago

  • To convert just one specific read group to fastq

    # Stop script on error. set -uex # The SRR BioProject number for the sequencing data. PROJECT=PRJNA257197 # Th...

    1681 days ago

  • Pack a perl program with their dependencies on Ubuntu !

    #Follow steps to create your own executable ./web jit@jit-HP...hundreds of microbial genomes and highly contiguous reconstruct...ecting structural variants in sequencing data using genome-wide local...n bacteria using whole-genome sequencing (WGS) data. It is particularl...

    1650 days ago

  • Genome assembly Treasure Hunt

    Use pen and paper the assemble it. If you are brave enough, you can try to assem...AGCCGGACCT TATGATCATT TCATTAGGCG AGGCGGAGCT HINT: There is NO sequencing errors HINT: Overlaps are...

    1354 days ago

  • Install Varscan on Ubuntu / Linux !

    #Varscan is a java program designed to call variants in sequencing data. It was developed at the Genome Institute at Washington University and is hosted on github. To use Varscan...

    962 days ago