Results for "5"


  • blastpgp arguments !

    ...ities, 4 = flat query-anchored, no identities, 5 = query-anchored no identitie...ed alignment (in bits) [Integer] default = 15 -N Number of bits to trig...ed alignment (in bits) [Integer] default = 25 -O SeqAlign file ('Believ...

    1013 days ago

  • Get the Linux system information !

    #!/bin/bash # while-menu-dialog: a menu driven system information program DIALOG_CANCEL=1 DIALOG_ESC=255 HEIGHT=0 WIDTH=0 display_result() { dialog --title "$1" \...

    1011 days ago

  • Install hhsuite using conda !

    ...---------|----------------- _openmp_mutex-4.5 | 1_gnu...22 KB conda-4.10.3 | py38h578d9bd_2 3.0 MB conda...bioconda/linux-64::hhsuite-3.3.0-py38pl526h6ed170a_1 libgomp...

    1005 days ago

  • Downloading mmseqs databases !

    ...Aminoacid yes - UniRef50 - eggNOG Profile - - dbCAN2...

    1005 days ago

  • Simulate the reads ! \ seed=1 \ build=1 \ ref=GCA_003401745.1_ASM340174v1_genomic.fna_upp...ev/null # use KmerGenie 1.7051 to get an idea of k-mer \ pacbio=t pbmin=0.13 pbmax=0.15 \ coverage=15 paired=f \ ga...

    991 days ago

  • Installing Covid19 Environment !

    ...00% datrie-0.8.2 | 152 KB | ####################...100% pthread-stubs-0.4 | 5 KB | ###################...########## | 100% spades-3.15.3 | 48.0 MB | ######...############# | 100% zstd-1.5.0 | 490 KB | ###...

    986 days ago

  • Bash script to simulate a genome ! \ out=GCA_003401745.1_ASM340174v1_genomic.fna_upp...\ seed=1 \ ref=GCA_003401745.1_ASM340174v1_genomic.fna_upp...w=t seed=1 \ ref=GCA_003401745.1_ASM340174v1_genomic.fna_upp...

    981 days ago

  • Rules to run fastp / Snakemake !

    ...rimmed.fastq", html=RESULTS + "/fastq_trimmed/{sample}.html", json=RESULTS + "/fastq_trimmed/{sample}.json" threads: 5 log: RESULTS +...

    964 days ago

  • Split the string with underscore and store values in array with AWK !

    more enriched_ids | grep "WP_" | awk '{split($2,a,"_"); print a[4]"_"a[5]}' #Other extraction more enriched_ids | grep "WP_" | awk '{split($2,a,"_"); print a[4]"_"a[5]}'> enriched_ids_list awk 'NR==FNR{tgts[$1]; next} $1 in tgts' enriched_ids_list result/GO.out > enriched_GO.out.xls

    957 days ago

  • Extract the values using ids !

    ...file1 file2 Look: $ cat file1 11002 10995 48981 79600 $ cat file2 10993 item 0 11002 item 6 10995 item 7 79600 item...item 7 224325 item 7 84156 item 6 572546 item 7 693661 item...

    957 days ago