Results for "Instructions"


  • Install Perl Locally !

    # To follow these instructions, we'll assume your system admins have already installed these essentials: # Debian/Ubuntu system admins should run: sudo apt-get install -y build-e...

    2186 days ago

  • Commands to install conda in Ubuntu ! If needed, instructions for removing the MKL an Anaconda Distribution package that contain s them. If needed, instructions for removing the cuDNN binari...

    1553 days ago

  • Conda command to install checkV

    ...CheckV v1.0.1 an external database which needs to be downloaded and unarchived. The link for the database can be found in CheckV's instructions at

    677 days ago

  • Install GATK 4 using conda !

    ...o run software. The next step then is to tell conda to create a virtual environment for GATK by using the yaml file included within GATK as the instructions for creating the virtual envi...

    853 days ago