Results for "PA"

Wire posts

  • This is the documentation of the #circlize package. #Circular #Visualization #R

    2587 days ago

  • Handling #CSV file with #Perl

    2581 days ago

  • Update CPAN $ cpan> install CPAN; reload cpan #cpan #perl

    2580 days ago

  • Understanding BLAST scores #blast #score

    2564 days ago

  • To know the size of the directory in current folder. $ du -sh * #Size #Directory #List #Space #Linux #du

    2558 days ago

  • You can use the df command to know the free space in the disk: $ df -h . #df #Linux #List #Free #Space

    2558 days ago

  • Find a pattern in first 7 characters of reads. bioawk -c fastx 'substr($seq,0,7) == $TAG { print }' reads.fq.gz #Reads #NGS #Extract #Pattern

    2558 days ago

  • Beginner’s #guide to #comparative #bacterial genome #analysis using #next-generation sequence data

    2558 days ago

  • #Plot data along #chromosome #ideograms #IdeoViz

    2547 days ago

  • Rename #non-accepted #nucleotide from sequence to 'N' $ bbmap/ in=genome.fa out=genomeOut.fa iupacToN=t

    2544 days ago