Results for "NT"

Wire posts

  • #Extract #tabbed info from #BAM file with samtools: samtools view test.bam|awk '{print $1 "\t" $2 "\t" $3 "\t" $4 "\t" $4+length($10)-1}' > file.xls

    2935 days ago

  • #Extract #Chromosome #Number And Start Position #Reads: samtools view bamfile.bam|awk '{print $3 "\t" $4 "\t" $4+length($10)-1}' >

    2929 days ago

  • #NGS basics #Tutorial #Help

    2931 days ago

  • Extract reference nucleotide from BAM file: samtools view your.bam | awk '{print substr( $10, 100, 1)}' #SAM #BAM #Samtools #Tricks #NGS

    2929 days ago

  • #GATK and #Picard to filter low quality variants

    2923 days ago

  • #Upgrade the #perl in #Ubuntu $ sudo cpan cpan[1]> upgrade

    2909 days ago

  • Install terminal on right click on Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install nautilus-open-terminal ; nautilus -q ; #Ubuntu #Linux #Terminal #Open

    2920 days ago

  • Bioinformatics trainee needed at Kalyani #Trainee #Kaluani

    2847 days ago

  • You can also try this on Ubuntu sudo perl -MCPAN -e 'upgrade'

    2909 days ago

  • Leading edge analysis reports #Tags to indicate the percentage of #genes contributing to the #enrichment score, #R

    2908 days ago