Results for "PE"

Wire posts

  • #Ten simple #rules for helping newcomers become contributors to open #projects

    1747 days ago

  • #Rename the #fasta #header and #keep first $ perl -ne 'if (/^(>\S+)/){print "$1\n";}else{print $_;}' realTestDATA.fa > realTestDATA_headerCorrected.fa #Perl

    1692 days ago

  • This works and I dont know how :) perl -pe '}{$_=$.' filename #Perl #Magic #PerlMagic

    1686 days ago

  • #Estimate the #insert #size with mapped reads $ head -10000 mappings.sam | awk '{ if ($9 > 0) { N+=1; S+=$9; S2+=$9*$9 }} END { M=S/N; print "n="N", mean="M", stdev="sqrt ((S2-M*M*N)/(N-1))}'

    1683 days ago

  • One can evaluate the accuracy of a mapper or a SNP caller with that comes with the package. #Evaluate #Mapping #SNP

    1683 days ago

  • Perl onliner to add string to each of the fasta header. $ perl -p -e 's/^(>.*)$/$1-origin/g' in.fasta > out.fasta #String #Header #Fasta

    1678 days ago

  • Perl script to run in parallel #Perl #Parallel #Script #Core #Thread

    1676 days ago

  • A “#Forward #Genomics” Approach Links #Genotype to #Phenotype using Independent Phenotypic Losses among Related Species

    1669 days ago

  • #bioinfo #job #europe

    1628 days ago

  • Analyse your sample with GATK pipeline. #GATK

    1615 days ago