Results for "sequencer"



  • Genome Assembly Tools and Software - PART2 !!

    ...embly of the Short Sequences coming from 454 sequencerSR-ASM (Short Reads ASseM...embly of the short sequences coming from 454 sequencers. YASRA 2.33 – Yet to clean sequence data from automated DNA sequencers prior to sequence assembly a...

    2716 days ago

Top-level pages


  • NGS Platforms launched by BGI’s MGI Tech

    ...and its first early access customer for the new ultra high-throughput sequencer, MGISEQ-T7, saying it has dri...a highly flexible production-scale platform that is the most powerful sequencer to date. It can produce as ma...

    1972 days ago

Opportunity posts



  • Single molecule Sequencing (SMS)

    Single molecule Sequencing (SMS)

    ...s time. One of most successful so far is SMRT from Pacbio and others will be flood the market soon and may be one day it replaces 2nd generation sequencer. This group is meant to shar...

    3257 days ago
