Results for "NT"


  • Comment on "Benchmarking Perl Module !"

    ...his program should take the form of a subroutine that runs the code you want to benchmark. Here's an examp...hmark module to run the benchmark. The timethese function takes two arguments: the number of iterations to...

    469 days ago

  • Comment on "A quick guide to Phred scaling" a widely used system for representing the quality scores of sequencing reads. It is used to quantify the probability of an Phred quality scores are represented as integers ranging from 0...reads. Each quality score is represented as an ASCII character, with...

    469 days ago

  • Comment on "Short-read assembly using Spades !"

    ...sembly using SPAdes: Quality control of raw reads: Before running the assembly, it is important to ensure that the raw reads...line interface or a graphical user interface. The command for runnin...mbly. This process can be repeated until a satisfactory assembly is...

    469 days ago

  • Comment on "Read Simulators" a popular tool for generating synthetic reads based on sequencin...users to simulate reads with different error rates, read lengths, an.... It can simulate reads with different read lengths, error rates, an...nopore. It can also simulate different types of sequencing errors, s...

    469 days ago

  • Comment on "How to install Perl modules manually, using CPAN command, and other quick ways"

    ...ld give you the perl that's located within your conda environment. In this case, it should install things into your conda-directory. When...nda perl-lwp-simple this will definitely install into conda.

    469 days ago

  • Comment on "Short-read assembly using Spades !"

    ...t can assemble reads generated from Illumina, IonTorrent, PacBio, and Oxford Nanopore...e input data should be in FASTQ format, which contains the sequencing reads. If...read2.fastq with the names of the input files containing the paired-end reads, a...

    474 days ago

  • Comment on "Tools for Sequence translation !"

    ...erting a DNA or RNA sequence into its corresponding protein sequence. This is an important step in the analysis of translate a DNA sequence into its corresponding protein se...and provides a user-friendly interface for performing the anal...

    474 days ago

  • Comment on "Tools for Differential expression analysis"

    ...that allows researchers to identify genes that are differentia...ailable for performing differential expression analysis, inclu...riance and testing for differential expression. edgeR: An...riance and testing for differential expression. NOISeq: T...

    474 days ago

  • Comment on "Tools for RNA classification"

    ...classification that uses a covariance model approach to identify RNA homologs. It is particularly useful for identifying non-coding RNA (ncRNA) classify RNA sequences. It is particularly useful for identifying small functional RNA mo...

    474 days ago

  • Comment on "Basic command-line to run BLAST"

    ...o a database of known sequences and identifies the most similar matches. This is useful for identifying the function of a newly...lutionary relationships between different organisms. BLAST works by br...regions of similarity, called "alignments," and calculates a score for...

    474 days ago