Results for "Systems Biology and Computational Biology; Molecular Biology"


  • What is Healthcare Informatics?

    Incorporating information technologies and information management, t...impact productivity for healthcare providers and redu...hcare, knowledge management, decision support systems, business intelligence, Six Sigma, and adv...

    3735 days ago

  • What is Health Informatics?

    What is health informatics? In the words of Dr. Noni MacDonald...: "Most of the way...rsection with health information, computer science and health care and health systems...have everybody able to manage health, health care systems and the...

    3735 days ago

  • An Introduction to Molecular Dynamics

    A Brief introduction to molecular dynamics. For more similar videos see

    3732 days ago

  • Memories Can Be Passed Down Through DNA

    The premise of Assassin's Creed is the reliving of other people...ny is joined by special guest and our friend Tara Long from Har...plain how this process works, and if it mig...nn.3594.html "Using olfactory identical DNA sequences (and therefore the same genetic instruct...

    3675 days ago

  • Genomics and Personalized Medicine

    (October 20, 2009) Michael Snyder, Professor of Genetics and Chair of the Department of Gene...tial for personalized medicine. and efforts at Stanford to furthe...Med School is a series arranged and directed...roduction to the world of human biology, health and disease, and the groundbreaking c...

    3653 days ago

  • Pimp your brain: Bioinformatics

    Jan Lisec from the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant your brain" episode, what bioinformatics is and why bioinformatics is so important and indispensable for biological resear...n" scientists from the Max Planck Institute of Molecul...

    3573 days ago

  • Janet Iwasa: How animations can help scientists test a hypothesis

    3D animation can bring scientific hypotheses to life. Molecular biologist (and TED Fellow) Janet Iwas...alks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conferenc...s). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Des...

    3584 days ago

  • Biology, Computers Collide in High-Demand Field of Bioinformatics

    Dr. Shivas Amin calls bioinformatics a "collision of biology and computers." Students learn how to use computers and skills in math and biology to analyze genome and proteome projects to prepare for high-demand jobs in the life sciences. Learn...

    3569 days ago

  • The Home Microbiome Project

    The Home Microbiome Project is an initiative aimed at uncovering...tions between people's bacteria and the bacteria found in their homes.The hope is that the data and project w...Computer animation courtesy the Biology &...E) Center, University of Oregon and Cameron Slayden at Cosmocyte. htt...

    3561 days ago

  • How far can bioinformatics go creating organisms used for testing?

    "I think you can get very far on a technical level. The problem is that a...we still need clinical tests on animals and humans before we use it for real treatm...Erik Lindahl, Professor of Theoretical and Computati...uman body". Watch the rest of the talk, and oth...

    3516 days ago