Results for "Encode"



Top-level pages


  • R 3.2.0 is released

    ...of PR#16198.) The default method of image() has an explicit check for a numeric or logical matrix (which was always required). URLencode() will not by default encode further URLs which appear to...

    3340 days ago

  • Sequencing By Xpansion

    Sequencing By Xpansion (SBX) is a DNA sequencing method that uses a simple biochemical reaction to encode the sequence of a DNA molecule into a highly measurable surrogate called an X...

    3279 days ago

  • +1 more News

Opportunity posts

  • SocBiN Bioinformatics 2014

    ...iversity of Oslo, Norway Topics: Tools and technologies for integrative bioinformatics Metagenomics Comparative genomics and phylogeny Post-ENCODE bioinformatics Gene regulati...

    3931 days ago

ResearchLabs posts

  • Roderic Guigó Lab

    ...otation in genomic sequences. Our group also actively participates in the analysis of many eukaryotic genomes and it in involved in the NIH-funded ENCODE project. Furthermore we are m...

    3568 days ago

  • MIT Computational Biology Group

    ...n with the Broad Institute and the Computational and Systems Biology initiative (CSBi) at MIT, our participation in the Epigenome Roadmap, ENCODE, and modENCODE consortia, and by several oth...

    3460 days ago



  • Install grabseqs with conda !

    (JitMetaENV) ➜ JitMeta conda install grabseqs -c louiejtaylor -c bioconda -c conda-forge Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): done Solving environment: done ==> WARNING: A newer version of conda exists.

    1251 days ago

  • Install Perl Locally !

    ...JSON::Parse XML::Parser XML::Simple LWP LWP::Simple LWP::Protocol::https Archive::Extract Archive::Tar Archive::Zip CGI DBI Time::HiRes DBD::mysql Encode File::Copy::Recursive Perl::O...

    2179 days ago

  • +4 more Bio-Scripts


  • The Story of You: ENCODE and the human genome

    Ever since a monk called Mendel started breeding pea plants we've been learning about our genomes. In 1953, Watson, Crick and Franklin described the structure of the molecule that makes up our genomes: the DNA double helix. Then, in 2001, scientists wrote down the entire 3-billion letter code con...

    Tags: ENCODE, Genome, Non-coding DNA, DNA, Animation

    3941 days ago
