Results for "Code"


  • Places where you can #learn to #code #Programming #Script

    Tags: learn, code, Programming, Script

    3089 days ago

  • Learning algorithm with coding #Rosetta #code #learn #algorithms

    Tags: Rosetta, code, learn, algorithms

    2340 days ago

  • plumber:An R package that converts your existing R code to a web API

    plumber allows you to create a REST API by merely decorating your existing R source code with special comments. Take a look at an example. # plumber.R #* Echo back the input #* @param msg The message to echo #* @get /echo function(msg=""){ list(msg = paste0("The message is: '", msg, "'"...

    Tags: plumber, R, package, converts, existing, code, web, API

    1907 days ago

  • #100DaysOfCode in Python #python #code #Learn

    Tags: 100DaysOfCode, python, code, Learn

    1799 days ago

  • Teach R to read handwritten Digits with just 4 Lines of Code #read #handwritten #digits #code #R

    Tags: read, handwritten, digits, code, R

    1789 days ago

  • How to fix the following error while compiling MCSCanX ! note: suggested alternative: 'getpt'     while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "g:b:c:o:")) != -1)                 ^~~~~~       ...

    Tags: MCScanX, error, compile, bug, code, install, error

    1623 days ago

  • Nucleus: Python and C++ code for reading and writing genomics data.

    Nucleus is a library of Python and C++ code designed to make it easy to read, write and analyze data in common genomics file formats like SAM and VCF. In addition, Nucleus enables painless integration with the TensorFlow machine learning framework, as anywhere a genomics file is consumed or produ...

    Tags: Nucleus, Python, C++, code, reading, writing, genomics

    1582 days ago