Results for "Genome"


  • Protocol for De novo Genome Assembly using Illumina Reads

    In this protocol, we address and describe the de novo assembly method for small to medium-sized genomes. What is de novo genome assembly?The method of taking a large number of short DNA sequences and placing them back together to create a reflection of the original chromosomes from which the DNA...

    Tags: Protocol, De novo, Genome, Assembly, Illumina, Reads

    1267 days ago

  • MitoFinder

    Allio, R., Schomaker-Bastos, A., Romiguier, J., Prosdocimi, F., Nabholz, B., & Delsuc, F. (2020) Mol Ecol Resour. 20, 892-905. (publication link) Mitofinder is a pipeline to assemble mitochondrial genomes and annotate mitochondrial genes from trimmed read sequencin...

    Tags: MitoFinder, Mitochondria, Genome, Assembly, Find

    313 days ago

  • Simons Genome Diversity Project

    Complete genome sequences from more than one hundred diverse human populations All genomes in the dataset were sequenced to at least 30x coverage using Illumina technology. The sequencing reads were mapped and genotyped using a customized procedure that was optimized for population genetic analy...

    Tags: Simons, Genome, Diversity, Project

    1155 days ago

  • QuasiModo - Quasispecies Metric Determination on Omics

    This repository contains the scripts and pipeline that reproduces the results of the HCMV benchmarking study. In this study we evaluated genome assemblers and variant callers on 10 in vitro generated, mixed strain HCMV sequence samples, each consisting of two lab strains in different abundance ra...

    Tags: QuasiModo, Quasispecies, Metric, Determination, Omics, Virus, Genome, Variant, Assembly, SNP

    1107 days ago

  • Genome assembly PPT #Genome #Assembly #PPT #Ryan

    Tags: Genome, Assembly, PPT, Ryan

    1054 days ago

  • Whole genome alignment #Whole #Genome #Alignment #PPT

    Tags: Whole, Genome, Alignment, PPT

    1051 days ago

  • Genome Assembly Workshop 2020

    Our team offers custom bioinformatics services to academic and private organizations. We have a strong academic background with a focus on cutting edge, open source software. We replicate standard analysis pipelines (best practices) when appropriate, and/or develop novel applications and pipeline...

    Tags: Genome, Assembly, Workshop, 2020, Learn

    1047 days ago

  • Reference Sequence Resource!

    The ENCODE project uses Reference Genomes from NCBI or UCSC to provide a consistent framework for mapping high-throughput sequencing data. In general, ENCODE data are mapped consistently to 2 human (GRCH38, hg19) and 2 mouse (mm9/mm10) genomes for historical comparability...

    Tags: ENCODE, Project, Genome, Reference, Data, Ftp, Download, Human

    1025 days ago

  • HISAT2 Index Files Download !

    Resource for downloading all the HISAT2 related files  Please cite: Kim, D., Paggi, J.M., Park, C. et al. Graph-based genome alignment and genotyping with HISAT2 and HISAT-genotype. Nat Biotechnol 37, 907–915 (2019).

    Tags: Location, Hisat2, Genome, Download, Files

    1025 days ago

  • Minimizer-space de Bruijn graphs: Whole-genome assembly of long reads in minutes on a personal computer #msDBG #Assembly #Genome

    Tags: msDBG, Assembly, Genome

    1025 days ago