Results for "CA"


  • Comment on "Benchmarking Perl Module !"

    ...ecution time and memory usage. This can be done using the Perl Bench...the Benchmark module installed, you can install it using the followi...mple of a benchmark subroutine that calls a function from a hypothet...the average time per iteration. You can use these results to compare...

    562 days ago

  • Comment on "A quick guide to Phred scaling"

    ...lity of an error in each base call in a sequencing read. Here is a quick guide to Phred scaling: Phred quality score...e of 10 corresponds to a base call accuracy of 90%, while a Ph...The Phred score for each base call is calculated as follows:...

    562 days ago

  • Comment on "Short-read assembly using Spades !"

    ...equencing errors or low-quality bases. This step can be performed using various t...ty control, the next step is to run SPAdes. This can be done through a command-li...aluate the quality of the assembled genome. This can be done using tools such as...

    562 days ago

  • Comment on "Read Simulators"

    ...ed on the whole genome sequencing technology. It can simulate reads with differen...e-based approach to generate synthetic reads. It can simulate reads with differen...esigned to simulate reads from large genomes and can handle complex genome struct...

    562 days ago

  • Comment on "How to install Perl modules manually, using CPAN command, and other quick ways"

    Installing in CONDA env You can check using which perl - it should give you the perl that's located within your conda environment. In this case, it should install things i...into. If you want to be extra-sure, you can also install most Perl packa...

    562 days ago

  • Comment on "Short-read assembly using Spades !"

    ...r) is a popular tool for short-read assembly. It can assemble reads generated fro...short-read assembly: Install SPAdes: SPAdes can be downloaded from the offic...will be saved in a file named contigs.fasta. You can view the contigs using a tex...

    567 days ago

  • Comment on "Tools for Sequence translation !"

    ...sequence. It supports several genetic codes and can handle multiple sequences at...EMBOSS Transeq: This is a command-line tool that can translate nucleotide sequenc...s. SeqKit: This is a command-line tool that can perform several sequence man...

    567 days ago

  • Comment on "Tools for RNA classification"

    ...ral tools available for RNA classification, each with its own streng...l is a popular tool for RNA classification that uses a covariance mo...prehensive resource for RNA classification. RNAcode: RNAcode is...identify rRNA sequences. tRNAscan-SE: tRNAscan-SE is a tool fo...

    567 days ago

  • Comment on "Basic command-line to run BLAST"

    .... BLAST works by breaking down the query sequence into smaller segments, called "words," and searching It then expands the matches to identify longer regions of similarity, called "alignments," and calcula...

    567 days ago

  • Comment on "How to install Perl modules manually, using CPAN command, and other quick ways"

    To install BioPerl on a macOS system, you can follow these steps: Open the Terminal app on...l::VERSION\n"' If there are any issues with the installation, you can try searching for solutions...

    568 days ago