Results for "Human"


  • Biggest Human Brain Project (HBP) launched!!!

    "In neuroscience, the project will use neuroinformatics and brain simulation to collect and integrate experimental data, identifying and filling gaps in our knowledge, and prioritising future experiments. In medicine, the HBP will use medical informatics to identify biological signatures of br...

    Tags: Brain, Neuroscience, HBP, Human, neuroinformatics, simulation, modelling, medical informatics, neurorobotics, microchips, neuromorphic computing, neural network, neurogenetics, optogenetics, brain mapping, sequencing

    3890 days ago


    Tags: System biology, Inflammation, Human

    3881 days ago

  • Download the human genome hg19 wget --timestamping '*.fa.gz' #Human #Genome #Download #UCSC

    Tags: Human, Genome, Download, UCSC

    3730 days ago

  • How to perform BLAST between a microrganism and human proteome ?

    Hi, this is Nikita Bora, I want to know how to perform BLAST between a microrganism proteome and human proteome.. i have tried the stand alone BLAST, but it is not working. can you please suggest me something simple??

    Tags: BLAST, Alignments, Micro-organism, Human, Proteome

    3729 days ago

  • Role of small microRNA in antidepression treatment!! #miRNA #Microarray #qPCR #Human

    Tags: miRNA, Microarray, qPCR, Human

    3646 days ago

  • database for mammalian alternative polyadenylation!! #Human #mammals #PolyA

    Tags: Human, mammals, PolyA

    3594 days ago

  • Genome Origami

    There are several interesting factoid about our genomes, one of them is their folding. If we stretched out the DNA in a single cell, which is only a few millionths of an inch wide, it would span more than six feet. In other word, the size of six feet DNA fold themself to fit in a few millionths o...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Computational biology, Video, 3D genome, Origami, Human

    3459 days ago

  • Human chromosome length extractor !

    Is there any easiest known way to extract organism's chromosome length?

    Tags: Human, Chromosome, Sizes, Extractor, NGS, Online

    2991 days ago

  • Is there a list of human SNPs associated with a disease?

    Looking for list of human SNPs associated with a disease? We need to evaluate a large number of human SNPs for their possible association with a disease. So far, the closest I've seen is SNPedia, but a database would be more helpful.

    Tags: SNP, Cancer, Human, Disease, Point mutation, Mutation, Database

    2827 days ago

  • Phased Human Genome Assembly !

    The new publicly available assembly (PacBio HG00733) has the fewest gaps of any human genome assembly, with more than half of the genome contained in gapless sequence at least 27 Mb long. The primary contig assembly is 2.89 Gb long and consists of 865 contigs that were assembled with PacBio ...

    Tags: Phased, Human, Genome, Assembly, NGS, PacBio

    2064 days ago