Results for "Nucleotide"


  • Genetic code - Amino Acid

    The genetic code consists of 64 triplets of nucleotides. These triplets are called codons.With three exceptions, each codon encodes for one of the 20 amino acids used in the synthesis of proteins. That produces some redundancy in the code: most of the amino acids being encoded by more than one co...

    Tags: Genetics, Amino Acid, Code, Genome, Nucleotide, RNA

    3507 days ago

  • Need help in Blastn?

    I am doing megablast of a contig against NR database, but unable to understand this -outfmt '6 qseqid staxids qstart qend sstart send qseq sseq evalue length' Can you please help me to undestand all these.

    Tags: Blastn, BLAST, Nucleotide, Alignment, Database, NR, Contig, NGS

    2904 days ago

  • IUPAC codes

    IUPAC codes DNA: Nucleotide Code: Base: ---------------- ----- A.................Adenine C.................Cytosine G.................Guanine T (or U)..........Thymine (or Uracil) R.................A or G Y.................C or T S.................G or C W.................A or T K.......

    Tags: IUPAC, codes, DNA, Nucleotide

    2273 days ago

  • FastANI: fast alignment-free computation of whole-genome Average Nucleotide Identity (ANI)

    FastANI is developed for fast alignment-free computation of whole-genome Average Nucleotide Identity (ANI). ANI is defined as mean nucleotide identity of orthologous gene pairs shared between two microbial genomes. FastANI supports pairwise comparison of both complete and draft genome assemblies....

    Tags: fast, alignment-free, computation, whole-genome, Average, Nucleotide, Identity, ANI

    2150 days ago

  • DNA Nucleotide Counter

    DNA Nucleotide Counter is delivered in a DNA Baser package together with other free molecular biology tools. Download the package and double click it. The programs inside the package will be extracted to the destination folder (specified by you). Go to the destination folder and do...

    Tags: DNA, Nucleotide, Counter, tools, scaf, chromatogram

    2060 days ago

  • Consensus of nucleotide sequences #Consensus #Nucleotide #DNA

    Tags: Consensus, Nucleotide, DNA

    2060 days ago

  • Special nucleotide characters #Special #Nucleotide

    Tags: Special, Nucleotide

    898 days ago

  • Rename #non-accepted #nucleotide from sequence to 'N' $ bbmap/ in=genome.fa out=genomeOut.fa iupacToN=t

    Tags: non, nucleotide

    2515 days ago

  • minimap2: A versatile pairwise aligner for genomic and spliced nucleotide sequences

    git clone cd minimap2 && make # long sequences against a reference genome ./minimap2 -a test/MT-human.fa test/MT-orang.fa > test.sam # create an index first and then map ./minimap2 -d MT-human.mmi test/MT-human.fa ./minimap2 -a MT-human.mmi test/MT...

    Tags: minimap2, versatile, pairwise, aligner, genomic, spliced, nucleotide, sequences

    2174 days ago

  • S-plot2: creates an interactive, two-dimensional heatmap of sequences

    S-plot2 creates an interactive, two-dimensional heatmap capturing the similarities and dissimilarities in nucleotide usage between genomic sequences (partial or complete). In S-plot2, whole eukaryotic chromosomes and smaller prokaryotic genomes can be efficiently compared. The tool includes funct...

    Tags: S-plot2, interactive, two-dimensional, heatmap, capture, similarities, dissimilarities, nucleotide, genomic, sequences

    2074 days ago