Results for "Table"


  • Convert VCF to tab-deilimited table

    Performed with GATK : java -Xmx8g -jar GenomeAnalysisTK.jar \ -T VariantsToTable \ -R reference.fa \ -V reference_genomes_GT.vcf \ -F CHROM -F POS -F REF -F ALT -GF GT \ -o reference_genomes_GT.table multiple_sample.vcf should also be converted to multiple_sample_GT.table using this...

    Tags: Convert, VCF, tab-deilimited, table

    2215 days ago

  • Forget about excel use these r shiny packages instead #R #Format #Table #Excel

    Tags: R, Format, Table, Excel

    1739 days ago

  • NCBI BLAST have added new columns to the Descriptions

    NCBI BLAST have added new columns to the Descriptions Table for web BLAST output. The new columns are  Scientific Name, Common Name, Taxid, and Accession Length. Common Name and Accession Length are now part of the default display. You can click 'Select columns' or 'Manage columns' to add or...

    Tags: NCBI, BLAST, add, columns, Descriptions, Table, web, BLAST, output

    1284 days ago