Results for "mobile"


  • flutter

    Flutter is Google’s UI toolkit for building beautiful, natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase.

    Tags: flutter, mobile, app

    1235 days ago

  • Flanker

    Flanker, a Python package which performs alignment-free clustering of gene flanking sequences in a consistent format, allowing investigation of mobile genetic elements (MGEs) without prior knowledge of their structure. Flanker can be flexibly parameterised to finetune outputs by charact...

    Tags: Flanker, Python, mobile, genetic, elements, HGT, genome, genes

    1205 days ago

  • A perl tool to conveniently parse RepeatMasker output files #Perl #Repeat #Transposable #NGS #Genome #TEs #Mobile

    Tags: Perl, Repeat, Transposable, NGS, Genome, TEs, Mobile

    3544 days ago

  • MGERT: Mobile Genetic Elements Retrieving Tool

    MGERT is a computational pipeline for easy retrieving of MGE's coding sequences of a particular family from genome assemblies. MGERT utilizes several established bioinformatic tools combined into single pipeline which hides different technical quirks from an inexperienced user.

    Tags: MGERT, Mobile, Genetic, Elements, Retrieving, Tool

    1856 days ago