Results for "repeats"


  • Compressive Genomics

    The key to finding a solution is to notice that most genomicsequences differ by very little. It may well be that the number of complete genome sequences being stored is increasing rapidly, but the actual amount of new data is very small. In other words, a single DNA sequence isn't particular...

    Tags: data compression, genomics, sequencing, redundancy, repeats, bam, sff, gz, zip

    3947 days ago

  • Identifying #repeats and #transposable elements in sequenced genomes: how to find your way through the dense forest of programs #repeats #TEs

    Tags: repeats, transposable, repeats, TEs

    1806 days ago

  • Josefa González Lab

    Lab focus on understanding how organisms adapt to their environments. They combine omics approaches with detailed molecular and phenotypic analyses to get a comprehensive picture of adaptation. Our aim at being internationally recognized as a leading lab in the field of environmental adaptation. ...

    Tags: adaptation, genome, fly, repeats, transposable, elements

    1018 days ago

  • Common methods to discover tandem repeats

    Tandem repeats are DNA sequences that are repeated in a contiguous manner in the genome. These sequences are often used as genetic markers and are important in many areas of genetics and genomics research. Here are some methods for discovering tandem repeats in genomes: T...

    Tags: Tandem, repeats, DNA, sequences, find, methods

    451 days ago

  • Ravindra Raut

    A Computational biologist, currently investigating the impact of transposable elements on the adaptation of the rice genome under fungal pathogen challenges and genome duplication. Experienced in using next-generation sequencing technologies like shotgun sequencing, linked reads, and long-read se...

    Skills: Programming (Python, Linux, Bash, R), Computational Biology, NGS technologies, WGS, RNA Seq, Repeats, Variant Calling

    1167 days ago

  • Tools for Searching Repeats And Palindromic Sequences

    What are genomic interspersed repeats? In the mid 1960's scientists discovered that many genomes contain stretches of highly repetitive DNA sequences ( see Reassociation Kinetics Experiments, and C-Value Paradox ). These sequences were later characterized and placed into five categories: Simple...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Search, Repeats, Palindromic, Sequences, Tools, Software

    2239 days ago

  • RepeatModeler

    RepeatModeler is a de-novo repeat family identification and modeling package. At the heart of RepeatModeler are two de-novo repeat finding programs ( RECON and RepeatScout ) which employ complementary computational methods for identifying repeat element boundaries and family relationships from se...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Analysis, NGS, Repeats, TE, RepeatModeler, RECON, de-novo, family, Genome

    2845 days ago

  • TEannot

    We advise to run first the TEdenovo pipeline but it is not compulsory. We suppose you begin by running the TEannot pipeline on the example provided in the directory "db/" rather than directly on your own genomic sequences. Thus, from now on, the project name is "DmelChr4".  

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Analysis, NGS, TEs, TEannot, REPET, Pipeline, Repeats, Genome

    2845 days ago

  • Assembly and repeats #Assembly #Repeats #Bad

    Tags: Assembly, Repeats, Bad

    2729 days ago

  • A De Novo Genome #Assembly Algorithm for #Repeats and Nonrepeats

    Tags: Assembly, Repeats

    1953 days ago