Results for "replace"


  • Remove N from a fasta file. Go to vi editor, type :%s/N\{25,\}//g and press enter. #Vim #vi #N #Replace #Fasta

    Tags: Vim, vi, N, Replace, Fasta

    3678 days ago

  • Is there any quick way to replace an existing substring with a new substring in a string?

    I am currently using a s/// regex like this: $str =~ s/$find/$replace/g; Looking for some other quicker way for the same. Thanks

    Tags: Perl, String, Replace, Substring, Quick

    3615 days ago

  • replace a word in all files in a directory: grep -lr --exclude-dir=".git" -e "oldword" . | xargs sed -i "s/oldword/newword/g" #Replace #Word #Linux

    Tags: Replace, Word, Linux

    3589 days ago

  • Search and replace the string 'this' with the string 'that' in the file filename. perl -p -i -e 's/this/that/g' filename #Perl #Trick #PerlOneLiner #Tipsoftheday #Replace #FindandReplace

    Tags: Perl, Trick, PerlOneLiner, Tipsoftheday, Replace, FindandReplace

    3219 days ago

  • Replace space with tab: perl -lpe 's/\s/\t/g' < trf_file.dat > outfile.txt #TRF #Tab #Space #Replace #Perl #PerlTrick #PerlOneliner

    Tags: TRF, Tab, Space, Replace, Perl, PerlTrick, PerlOneliner

    2887 days ago

  • sed -i 's/2019/2020/g' test.txt test2.txt test3.txt #Find #Replace #sed

    Tags: Find, Replace, sed

    826 days ago

  • Replace space with tab. $ awk -v OFS="\t" '$1=$1' file1 #tab #space #replace #awk

    Tags: tab, space, replace, awk

    2518 days ago

  • Sed illegal charters from fasta. $ sed '/^[^>]/ s/[^AGTC]/N/gi' < seq.fa #fasta #otherthanATGC #replace #sed #Linux #illegal

    Tags: fasta, otherthanATGC, replace, sed, Linux, illegal

    2201 days ago