Results for "Genome"


  • BIGRE Lab

    The Laboratoire de Bioinformatique des Génomes et des Réseaux (Genome and Network Bioinformatics) is specialized in the conception, implementation, evaluation and application of bioinformatics approaches for the analysis of genome, transcriptome, proteome and metabolism. Our main activities incl...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Genomics, Belgium, Genome, Transcriptome, Proteome, Metabolism

    3856 days ago

  • Claus-Peter Stelzer Lab

    Interested in various topics at the intersection of ecology and evolution. In my research I use rotifers as model organisms for experimental studies at the individual and population level. Rotifers are ideally suited for this, because populations of thousands can be kept in small containers in th...

    Tags: Claus-Peter Stelzer, Rotifer, Lab, Group, Research, Evolution, Genome, Ecology

    1181 days ago

  • 320000 viruses in mammals yet to sequenced in future!!!

    With current biological technique improvements, finally it is now possible to look at millions of unknown viruses at genomic level and understand the mechanism. According to available data, close to 70 per cent of emerging viral diseases such as HIV/AIDS, West Nile, Ebola, SARS, and influenza, ar...

    Tags: Sequencing, RNA, DNA, Genome, Virus, Mammals, flying fox, HIV

    3931 days ago

  • The Story of You: ENCODE and the human genome

    Ever since a monk called Mendel started breeding pea plants we've been learning about our genomes. In 1953, Watson, Crick and Franklin described the structure of the molecule that makes up our genomes: the DNA double helix. Then, in 2001, scientists wrote down the entire 3-billion letter code con...

    Tags: ENCODE, Genome, Non-coding DNA, DNA, Animation

    3941 days ago

  • Sorghum genome Sequenced!!

    Sorghum, a staple food for 500 million resource-poor people in marginal environments and a model for other important crops, sorghum holds vital genetic resources as humanity confronts the nexus of food crisis and climate change. The recent research provides an unmatched resource to respond to the...

    Tags: Sorghum, Crop, Genome, Nature

    3932 days ago

  • TEDMED Great Challenges: Genomics and Medicine: Where promise meets clinical practice

    November 21, 2013 - NHGRI Director Eric Green, M.D., Ph.D, hosted the TEDMED Google+ Hangout to discuss genomic medicine with an all-star cast that includes Carlos Bustamante, James Evans, Amy McGuire and Sharon Terry. More:

    Tags: Genome, Epigenome, Health, Pharmacology

    3851 days ago

  • Tools to detect synteny blocks regions among multiple genomes

    The synteny block (which etymologically means “on the same ribbon”) is a collection of contiguous genes located on the same chromosome. These block regions have mostly been preserved by genome rearrangements, and so synteny blocks from two related species (e.g., humans and mice) will ...

    Tags: Synteny, Genome, GWAS, Conserve Synteny, Synteny Blocks, Comparative Genomes, Syntenic Regions

    2645 days ago

  • Installing a minimal UCSC genome browser mirror in Ubuntu 10.04 64 bits #UCSC #Genome

    Tags: UCSC, Genome

    3911 days ago

  • Genome + Epigenome = New Understanding of the Pathogens in Your Food

    UC Davis's Bart Weimer describes foodborne pathogens and their proclivity for rapid genome rearrangement. The 100K Pathogen Genome Project he leads is using PacBio long-read sequencing to close genomes and analyze methylation; Weimer reports that his team has already discovered new epigenetic mod...

    Tags: Genome, Epigenome

    3907 days ago

  • Genetics, epigenetics and disease

    Royal Society GlaxoSmithKline Prize Lecture given by Professor Adrian Bird CBE FMedSci FRS on Tuesday 22 January 2013. Adrian Bird CBE FMedSci FRS is the Buchanan Chair of Genetics at the University of Edinburgh. The human genome sequence has been available for more than a decade, but its signi...

    Tags: Genome, Epigenome, Epigenetics, Disease

    3907 days ago