Results for "Computational biology"


  • BINC examination 2015 !!!

    BioInformatics National Certification (BINC) Examination 2015 organized by Department of Biotechnology, Government of India, New Delhi Pondicherry University, Puducherry

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Education, Study, Degree, BINC, Examination, 2015, India, Certificate

    3358 days ago

  • Ravindra Raut

    A Computational biologist, currently investigating the impact of transposable elements on the adaptation of the rice genome under fungal pathogen challenges and genome duplication. Experienced in using next-generation sequencing technologies like shotgun sequencing, linked reads, and long-read se...

    Skills: Programming (Python, Linux, Bash, R), Computational Biology, NGS technologies, WGS, RNA Seq, Repeats, Variant Calling

    1192 days ago

  • R 3.2.0 is released

    R 3.2.0 (codename “Full of Ingredients”) was released yesterday. You can get the latest binaries version from here. (or the .tar.gz source code from here). The full list of new features and bug fixes is provided below. Upgrading to R 3.2.0 on Windows If you ...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Education, Tutorial, R, Upgrade, R 3.2.0

    3357 days ago

  • Affy has acquired Eureka Genomics for 15M $

    Affymetrix Acquires Assets Of Eureka Genomics Corporation To Provide High Throughput And Economical Crop And Animal Genotyping

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Education, Affymetrix, Acquires, Eureka, Genomics, Corporation

    3325 days ago

  • Perl One liner basics !!

    Perl has a ton of command line switches (see perldoc perlrun), but I'm just going to cover the ones you'll commonly need to debug code. The most important switch is -e, for execute (or maybe "engage" :) ). The -e switch takes a quoted string of Perl code and executes it. For example:$ perl -e 'pr...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Education, Study, Script, Perl, Oneliner, Basic

    3321 days ago

  • Ryan E. Mills Lab

    Our research group is primarily focused on the analysis of whole genome sequence data to identify genetic variation (primarily structural variation) and examine their potential functional impact in disease phenotypes. We are particularly interested in analyzing complex regions of the genome that ...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Genomics, RNAseq, NGS, Chromosome, Ryan E. Mills

    3319 days ago

  • Nicolas Corradi Lab

    The goal of our research is to better understand the biology of microbial organisms of significant ecological, veterinary and medical importance. To achieve this goal, our team combines the power of next generation DNA sequencing and bioinformatics with molecular biology and experimental proced...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Genomics, RNAseq, NGS, omics, Comparative Genomics, Parasite, Evolution, Nicolas Corradi

    3319 days ago

  • Reverse Complement Problem Solved with Perl

    Question at #Find the reverse complement of a DNA string.#Given: A DNA string Pattern.#Return: Pattern, the reverse complement of Pattern.use strict;use warnings;my $string="AAAACCCGGT";my $finalString="";my %hash = (    "C" => "G",   ...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Education, Solution, Puzzle, Study, Script, Perl, Reserve, Complementary

    3304 days ago

  • Frequent words problem solution by Perl

    Solved with perl #Find the most frequent k-mers in a string.#Given: A DNA string Text and an integer k.#Return: All most frequent k-mers in Text (in any order).use strict;use warnings;my $string="ACGTTGCATGTCGCATGATGCATGAGAGCT";my $kmer=4; my %myHash;my $max=0...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Education, Solution, Puzzle, Study, Script, Perl, Frequest, Words, Rosalind

    3304 days ago

  • Pattern Matching Problem Solution with Perl

    Problem at #Find all occurrences of a pattern in a string.#Given: Strings Pattern and Genome.#Return: All starting positions in Genome where Pattern appears as a substring. Use 0-based indexing.use strict;use warnings;my $string="GATATATGCATATACTT";my $subStr="A...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Education, Solution, Puzzle, Study, Script, Perl, Frequest, Words, Rosalind

    3304 days ago