Results for "Computer Language"


  • Julia Programming Language, a Python and R rival

    ...ists prefer using programming languages such as R and Python. Howeve...there is one more programming language that can do the job. That is...ernative to these programming languages. For instance, it utilizes t...he syntax of this programming language is similar to the mathematica...

    2073 days ago

  • How to set up SSH on Ubuntu 18.04

    SSH, also known as Secure Shell or Secure Socket Shell, is a network protocol that gives users, particularly system administrators, a secure way to access a computer...

    1984 days ago

  • AWK for beginners !

    AWK is a standard tool on every use it as a stand-alone scripting language. Why use AWK instead of Perl...# AWK, being a string-processing language, has several string-related...n # in UNIX that AWK is a scripting language that does all of it for you,...

    1828 days ago

  • Protocol for De novo Genome Assembly using Illumina Reads

    In this protocol, we address and describe the de novo assembly method for small to medium-sized genomes. What is de...get organism is split up into millions of tiny parts and read on a sequencing computer...

    1197 days ago

  • Frequently used bioinformatics tools for viral genome analysis !

    IVA: accurate de novo assembly of RNA virus genomes. Hunt M, Gall A, Ong SH, Brener J,...omparing large genomes. Kurtz, S. et al. Genome Biol. 5, R12 (2004). R: R: A language and environment for statistic...

    1040 days ago


    REST API The Representational State Transfer (REST)&n...e clients are provided for a number of programming languages. For details of how to use t...nd run the program without any arguments. Language Download Requirements...

    937 days ago


    DeepMind’s artificial intelligence system AlphaFold2, predicts the 3D structure of a protein based on its amin...the problem of protein folding.To read more:

    531 days ago