Results for "Genome Size"


  • Bioinformatician kidnaped !!!

    Some fish kidnaped a bioinformatician for their genome analysis.

    3846 days ago

  • Alien Spy !!!

    Alien spy are looking for human genome sequences .. 

    3833 days ago

  • Alien Genome !!!

    Genome sequencing, analysis and expression of Alien genome. Note: This image/cartoon is create only for fun. It has nothing to do with any scientific findings.

    3424 days ago

  • Structural variants PPT

    1000 Genomes data tutorial at ASHG Structural variants presentation by Jan Korbel European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) Heidelberg Genome Biology Research Unit Reference:

    2790 days ago

  • Evaluation of genome assembly software based on long reads

    TGS technologies have been used to produce highly accurate de novo assemblies of hundreds of microbial genomes and highly contiguous recons...ns of many dozens of plant and animal genomes, enabling new insights into...ny of the gaps in the human reference geno...

    1913 days ago

  • analyzing codon usage

    perl script analyzing codon usage in an input sequence to evaluate how efficiently it will be expressed in Anopheles gambiae. The input codon usage table derived from highly‐expressed A. gambiae genes is appended below.

    1634 days ago

  • Spades tutorial PDF

    SPAdes—St. Petersburg genome Assembler—was originally developed for de novo assembly of genome sequencing data produced for...PAdes package and that are used for assembly of metageno...

    817 days ago