Results for "Genomes"


  • SATSUMA : Highly sensitive whole-genome synteny alignments.

    Satsuma is a whole-genome synteny alignment program. It takes two genomes, computes alignments, and then kee...n on multi-core architectures. The run-time for aligning two bird-size genomes (~1.2 Gb) is around two days...

    2908 days ago

  • MOSAIK: A Hash-Based Algorithm for Accurate Next-Generation Sequencing Short-Read Mapping

    ...SAIK was the only aligner to provide consistent mappings for all the generated data (sequencing technologies, low-coverage and exome) in the 1000 Genomes Project. To provide highly ac...

    2900 days ago

  • CNIDARIA: fast, reference-free phylogenomic clustering

    ...tions. Reference-free methods analyse unprocessed sequencing data without relying on prior knowledge, but these do not scale to arbitrarily large genomes and arbitrarily large phyloge...

    2874 days ago

  • WgSim

    Reads simulator Wgsim is a small tool for simulating sequence reads from a reference genome. It is able to simulate diploid genomes with SNPs and insertion/deletion (INDEL) polymorph...

    2867 days ago

  • A5-miseq

    ...eads where the base qualities are low in all or most reads before 60nt. A5-miseq assumes it is assembling homozygous haploid genomes. Use a different assembler for metagenomes and heterozygous diploid or p...

    2811 days ago

  • Kaiju

    ...otein sequences. By default, Kaiju uses either the available complete genomes from NCBI RefSeq or the micro...mple, only 10 GB RAM with a protein database comprising 4821 microbial genomes. Kaiju can also be used for q...

    2863 days ago

  • Bioinformatics tools and software

    ...p;UCHIME >Chimeric sequence detection. PILER >De novo genome repeat finder. PILER-CR >Detection of CRISPR repeats in bacterial genomes. QSCORE >Compare two...

    2855 days ago

  • Genome STRiP

    ...oks both across and within a set of sequenced genomes to detect variation. The meth...d and single-end reads. A minimum of 20 to 30 genomes are required to get acceptabl...ation, such as a set of genomes from the 1000 Genomes Project.  The background...

    2792 days ago

  • OrganellarGenomeDRAW

    ...among several formats. The application is especially optimized and adapted for the creation of high-quality, detailed circular maps of organellar genomes like the plastid genome (plas...

    2813 days ago

  • Ka, Ks and Ka/Ks calculations

    ...tween a well-annotated genome and a non-annotated genome or even a poorly assembled scaffold dataset. It is especially useful for newly sequenced genomes that have not been well annot...

    2800 days ago