Results for "Genomic"


  • InfoGenomeR: Integrative reconstruction of cancer genome karyotypes

    InfoGenomeR is the Integrative Framework for Genome Reconstruction that uses a breakpoint graph to model the connectivity among genomic segments at the genome-wide scale. InfoGenomeR...

    1090 days ago

  • Scaffolding of a bacterial genome using MinION nanopore sequencing

    Second generation sequencing has revolutionized genomic studies. However, most genomes contain repeated DNA...onger than the read lengths achievable with typical sequencers, so the genomic order of several generated co...

    3218 days ago

  • Bioinformatics Made Easy Search: Bioinformatics tools and run genomic analysis in the cloud

    ...-to-use web interface and allows an accurate search across all functions, tools and pipelines. With InsideDNA, you can upload and store your own genomic/genetic datasets in a limitle...

    3175 days ago

  • liftover

    Convenient conversions between genome assemblie. The liftover package makes it easy to remap genomic coordinates to a different genome assembly. More at

    3002 days ago

  • Spines

    ...and used by the Vertebrate Genome Biology Group at the Broad Institute. It provides basic data structures for efficient data manipulation (mostly genomic sequences, alignments, variat...

    3001 days ago

  • HiCdat

    ...p to in-depth analyses. Importantly, HiCdat is focussed on the analysis of larger structural features of chromosomes, their correlation to genomic and epigenomic features, and on comparative...

    2998 days ago

  • BioToolbox

    ...ig, BigBed, and USeq. The Bio::ToolBox package includes scripts for setting up databases of annotation, collecting annotated features, collecting genomic data relative to features, ma...

    2991 days ago

  • Ensembl comparative genomics resources

    The Ensembl comparative genomics resources are one such reference set that fac...erent alignment views. The Ensembl comparative genomics infrastructure is perform and support vertebrate comparative genomic analyses. We use robust softw...

    2982 days ago

  • GA4GH Data Working Group

    ...titutes and Centers with IT industry leaders to create global standards and tools for the secure, privacy respecting and interoperable sharing of Genomic data. More at http://ga...

    2961 days ago

  • Easyfig

    ...isit our new webpage -  Easyfig is a Python application for creating linear comparison figures of multiple genomic loci with an easy-to-use grap...

    2921 days ago