Results for "Hypothesis"


  • Calculate the significance of the difference between two trends

    .... Here are the general steps to follow: Define your null hypothesis (H0) and alternative hypothesis (H1). For example, H0 might extreme as the one you calculated, assuming that the null hypothesis is true. Compare the p-v...

    429 days ago

  • Hypothesis testing !

    What is a hypothesis test?In statistics, as in everyday...ed from samples.” However, a hypothesis cannot be accepted as true wi...we or someone else hypothesizes. A hypothesis can be rejected or not reject...oven otherwise, and an alternative hypothesis (H1), which is logically the...

    18 hours ago


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  • Janet Iwasa: How animations can help scientists test a hypothesis

    3D animation can bring scientific hypotheses to life. Molecular biologist (and TED Fellow) Janet Iwasa introduces a new open-source animation software designed just for scientists. TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's lea...

    Tags: Hypothesis, Animation, Molecular

    3566 days ago

  • Hypothesis testing !

    What is a hypothesis test?In statistics, as in everyday life, we tend to make hypotheses to predict what we don’t know. We might say, “I think it’s going to rain today,” or “the average height of the Italian population is the same as the average height calculated fro...

    Tags: Hypothesis

    18 hours ago