Results for "Letter"


  • How to Prepare your Bioinformatics CV ? will want to include an appropriate cover letter with your CV to explain your...nvited for interview or can be covered in your letter of application. For all previ...ation, any publications (even in the form of a letter in newspaper), any experience...

    3365 days ago

  • Bioinformatics PhDs - Cover Letter

    ...materials including the cover letter. Be sure to show a draft of y...attractive to you.Your cover letter should not exceed a page and...advisable to write in a cover letter that they shouldn't be intimi...reference to it in the cover letter including the names of the fa...

    3358 days ago

  • Bioinformatics PhD / PostDoc / Job Rejection calmly. In grad school, I shared a house with three Bioinformatics PhD students. One, when he applied to a particular professor, received a letter that said, essentially, "If y...

    3222 days ago

  • Letter of motivation for bioinformatics applicants !

    A motivation letter, or sometimes called letter of motivation or motivational letter, is actually a letter being may use directly in your letter. Ideas and main points about writing a motivation-letter, you probably would not get a...

    2317 days ago

  • BBTools for bioinformatician !

    ...=25 copyundefined With the "copyundefined" flag, a copy of each reference sequence will be made representing every valid combination of defined letter. So instead of increasing mem...

    2262 days ago

  • Exchange Programme for Indian scientist !!

    ...e. The scientist should have been accepted to work in an Institute/Laboratory in the country to be visited and this should be supported by a letter of invitation from the h...

    1591 days ago

  • Perl one-liner for beginners !

    ...Go through file and only print words that do not have any uppercase letters. perl -ne 'print u....txt or in other words, delete every character that is not a letter, white space or line end (rep...

    1373 days ago