Results for "Machine"


  • New Machine Learning Packages in R

    Machine Learning autokeras v1.0.1: Implements an interface to AutoKeras, an open source software library for automated machine learning. See README for an example. MTPS v0.1.9: Implements functions to predict simultaneous multiple outcomes based on revised stacking algo...

    Tags: Machine, Learning, New, R

    1493 days ago

  • List of useful machine / ai learning resources !

    ML cheatsheet ! Visual AI / ML Simple and efficient tools for predictive data analysis

    Tags: Machine, Learn, AI

    1125 days ago

  • Free Books on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligent !

    An Introduction to Statistical LearningThis book provides a broad and less technical treatment of key topics in statistical learning. Each chapter includes an R lab. This book is appropriate for anyone who wishes to use contemporary tools for data analysis.

    Tags: AI, ML, Machine, Leaning, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligent, Books

    409 days ago