Results for "Position"


  • Understanding reads mapping and flags !

    ...e overlaps typically has one linear alignment that is considered the representative alignment. One read can align to multiple positions, we can find one alignmnet position which sequence do not have la...

    1831 days ago

  • Exchange Programme for Indian scientist !!

    ...ndian Nationals for consideration by the Academy for the next calendar year. The applicant should be a scientist holding a regular (permanent) position in a recognized S & T Ins...

    1593 days ago

  • Explore taxdump files !

    ...cters. Each record consists of one or more fields delimited by "\t|\t" (tab, vertical bar, and tab) characters. The brief description of field position and meaning for each file fol...

    1542 days ago

  • Common Bioinformatics Interview Questions !

    ...n interview for a bioinformatics position in the life sciences may be v...u the advantage in obtaining the position. The following 5 questions a...of the advertised bioinformatics position in your own words. Follow on...r homework and serious about the position. All the best for your futur...

    1192 days ago