Results for "Professor"


  • RaghavaGPS

    About me: ...Worked as Bioinformatics specialist at UAMS, USA (2002-3 & 2006) where he establish bioinformatics infastructure. Raghava woked as visiting professor at POSTECH, South Korea (2004...

    3633 days ago



Top-level pages

  • Bioinformatics in Africa:- Part 1

    ...d’Ivoire was created by the N°72­511 law of July 27th, 1972 under the Presidency of his Excellency Felix Houphouët Boigny and Professor Jacques Monod, then Leading o...

    1328 days ago

Wire posts

  • #Job #KAUST

    1357 days ago

  • Professor David Porteous explains that breakpoints in the genome #Breakpoint #Genome #Chromosome

    3691 days ago

  • +9 more Wire posts


Opportunity posts

ResearchLabs posts

  • Medical Epigenomics Lab

    ...lecular Medicine of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. The lab is directed by Christoph Bock, who is a Principal Investigator at CeMM and a Guest Professor in Medical University of Vien...

    4032 days ago

  • Murray Cox's Genomicus Lab

    ...puter science to address questions of outstanding biological importance through intrepretation of large genetic datasets. Profile: Associate Professor Murray Cox, Inaugural Ruthe...

    4012 days ago

