Results for "Reads"

Top-level pages

  • Awk for Bioinformatician and computational biologist

    ...en perform associated actions. The basic syntax is: awk '/pattern1/ {Actions} /pattern2/ {Actions}' file The working of Awk is as followsAwk reads the input files one line at a...

    2273 days ago

  • Some useful Bioinformatics links

    ...deletions, from raw set(s) of reads. from nanopore sequencing reads | Scientific Reports https:/...apping of nanopore sequencing reads with GraphMap | Nature Commun...ols.html How To Filter Mapped Reads With Samtools

    2235 days ago

  • Bioinformatics OneLiner

    ...t bam files into sets with mapped and unmapped reads: samtools view -F4 cut -d' ' -f1 < your_file To count reads in a all .fastq.gz files in y...To get fastq read length distribution: cat reads.fastq | awk '{if(NR%4==2) pri...

    2211 days ago

  • Gap filling or Contigs extensions tools ! fill the gap within paired reads" or "Toward almost closed gen...local re-assemblies using 454 reads. We used GAPresolution but it...of interest, and the set S of reads those contigs contain. Let C...ctor, and generate paired-end reads for this library; then try st...

    2159 days ago

  • Frequent Paired-end reads (PE 2x100) mapping command lines

    bowtie2 -x hs37m -X 650 -q -1 r1.fq -2 r2.fq -S r12.bowtie2.sam bwa aln hs37m.fa r1.fq > r1.sai && bwa aln hs37m.fa r2.fq > r2.sai \ &&am...

    2176 days ago

  • LINKS scaffolder bloomfilter setting !

    ...TA format, required) -s file-of-filenames, full path to long sequence reads or MPET pairs [see below] (Multi-FASTA/fastq format, required) -m MPET reads (default -m 1 = yes, default...

    2145 days ago

  • List of non-commercial NGS genotype-calling software

    ...SFS Single-sample Aligned reads Software for SNP and genotype...mation Samtools Multi-sample Aligned reads Package for manipulation of N...

    2090 days ago

  • Short-read assembly using Spades !

    If we only had Illumina reads, we could also assemble these using the tool Spades. You ca...we used above: illumina_R1.fastq.gz: the Illumina forward reads illumina_R2.fastq.gz: the Illumina reverse reads Assemble Run Spades: s...

    819 days ago

  • Read Simulators

    ...tly, many of the popular short read simulators are designed to simulate reads mimicking many Illumina, 454...ntly, many of the popular long read simulators are designed to simulate reads mimicking the two main TGS te...

    577 days ago

  • Bioinformatics tools for genome assembly !

    ...ruijn graph-based assembler designed for short reads, widely used for assembling l...SMARTdenovo: An assembler designed for long reads, particularly suited for PacB...rc: An assembler designed to handle noisy long reads from Nanopore sequencing....

    280 days ago