Results for "Short"


  • Installing Perl environment on Linux

    ...itional cares. In Linux system, there are two types of outputs when you execute a command. One is called standard output (or sometimes STDOUT for short), and the other is a standard...

    2316 days ago

  • BBTools for bioinformatician !

    ...problem but can be with extremely short sequences like microRNAs....the adapter sequence of reads with short insert sizes, in case you don...he defaults are set for relatively short sequences so if they are many...or primers, which I assume will be short, you may wish to use a lower...

    2265 days ago

  • Install ImageMagick from Unix Source

    ...of double_t... 8checking size of float... 4checking size of double... 8checking size of long double... 16checking size of signed short... 2checking size of unsigned short... 2checking size of signed i...

    2141 days ago

  • List of motif discovery tools !

    ...ign functions to protein sequences Search for short active protein sequences with...iscovery of linear motifs in proteins Predict short linear motifs (3-8 residues)...n peptide and nucleotide sequences Search for short nucleotide or peptide sequenc...

    1988 days ago

  • Understanding reads mapping and flags ! Chimeric reads are indicative of structural variation in DNA-seq and it may indicate the presence of chimeric genes in RNA-seq. In short, chimeric reads can be split...

    1832 days ago

  • AWK for beginners !

    ...functions(a, b, c, d) { # Probably the most annoying part of AWK is that there are no local # variables. Everything is global. For short scripts, this is fine, even...

    1830 days ago

  • Bioinformatics tools for telomere to telomere assembly !

    ...gorithm that leverages a pangenome reference built from haplotype-resolved genome assemblies in conjunction with k-mer count information from raw, short-read sequencing data to genot...

    987 days ago

  • Protocol for De novo Genome Assembly using Illumina Reads

    ...ssembly?The method of taking a large number of short DNA sequences and placing the...of 36 - 150 bp are produced for Illumina style short read sequencing. These reads...ssembly_all_illumina A significant range of short-read assemblers are available...

    1199 days ago

  • Useful Bioinformatics Analysis Tools !

    ...0; (): Whisper Experimental mapper of whole genome sequencing data. •  Deorowicz, S., Gudys, A., Whisper 2: indel-sensitive short read mapping, bioRxiv.or...

    858 days ago