Results for "assembly"


  • Install StringTie on ubuntu / Linux !

    #StringTie is a software program to perform transcript assembly and quantification of RNAseq data. The binary distributions are available so to install we can just download this distri...

    825 days ago

  • Bash command to explore assembly summary genbank !

    wget pip3 install csvkit csvcut -t -K 1 -c 'excluded_from_refseq' assembly_summary_genbank.txt \ | tail -n +2 | tr ";" "\n" \ | sed -e 's/^ //' -e 's/ $//' | grep -v '""' \ | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr

    770 days ago

  • Perl script to calculate the basic stats of the assembled genome !

    ...# Input file containing the genome assembly in FASTA format my $input_file = 'genome_assembly.fasta'; # Create Bio::SeqI...Iterate through each sequence in the assembly while (my $seq = $seqio->nex...stics and information print "Genome Assembly Statistics:\n"; print "-----...

    96 days ago

  • Python script for basic stats of the assembled genome !

    ...# Input file containing the genome assembly in FASTA format input_file = 'genome_assembly.fasta' # Variables for com...Iterate through each sequence in the assembly for record in SeqIO.parse(in...istics and information print("Genome Assembly Statistics:") print("-------...

    96 days ago