Results for "benchmarking and designing tools"

Top-level pages

  • List of Bioinformatics Software Tools for Next Generation Sequencing

    Commercial tools Strand NGS offers many different tools including alignment, RNA-Se...Description: identifies SNPs and INDELs from pooled high-through...CLImAT Description: standalone program; “accurate d...s information from PolyPhen-2 and SIFT Input: tab-delimited with...

    2902 days ago

  • SLURM basics !

    SLURM is a queue management system and stands for Simple Linux Utility for...wrence Livermore National Lab and currently runs some of the la...des when to schedule your job and how to monitor progress. SLU...that you request. Accounting Tools SLURM has a back end database...

    2908 days ago

  • Tools for Searching Repeats And Palindromic Sequences

    ...enome is repetitive in nature and as improvements are made in d...r whether the nucleic acid strand is read starting from the 3'...ences on the complimentary strands read...(EMBOSS) includes some basic tools for finding tandem repeats providing the EMBOSS tools, for example: Wageningen B...

    2205 days ago

  • Tool: Gene Set Clustering based on Functional annotation (GeneSCF)

      -----------   Gene Set Clustering based on Fun...GeneSCF over other enrichment tools is that, it performs enrich...t analysis in real-time (v1.1 and above...With command-line versions of tools, as you know you can run mult...Documentation: &n...

    2865 days ago

  • NGS Glossary !!

    ...SAM or BAM file formats. bcftools: a set of companion tools, currently bundled with SAMtools, for identifying and filtering genomics variants....ome. See also BAM Format. SAMtools: widely used, open source com...hed to the surface of a bead, and an oil emulsion containing nece...

    2863 days ago

  • Genome Assembly Tools and Software - PART1 !!

    The genome assemblers generally take a file of short sequence reads and a file of quality-value as the input....nopore long readsA system for benchmarking DNA assembly tools, based on 3rd generation se...that makes use of third party-tools and High Performance Computin...

    2679 days ago

  • Awesome perl frameworks, libraries and software - PART 1

    A curated list of awesome Perl frameworks, libraries and software. major/MySQLTuner...n Simplenote tobert/perl-ssh-tools - A more capable DSH / c...toreBill - A perl script and tex files to create bills for t...useful documentary forms xen-tools/xen-tools - xen-tools is...

    2483 days ago

  • Alignment-free sequence comparison tools available for next-generation sequencing data analysis

    kallisto Transcript abundance quantification from RNA-se...mapper Minimap Lightweight and fast read mapper and read ove...rence-free SNP identification and Other d2-tools Word-based (k-tuple) compari... VirHostMatcher Prediction...

    2365 days ago

  • SPAdes hybrid genome assembly

    When you have both Illumina and Nanopore data, then SPAdes rema...file with interlaced forward and reverse paired-end reads -1...o reduce number of mismatches and short indels --continue...o a “pipeline” of tools tha...e de bruijn graph(s) - 31, 51 and 71 only run the assembler, not...

    2344 days ago

  • Tools for bacterial whole genome annotation

    RAST – Web tool (upload contigs), uses the subsystems in the SEED database and provides detailed annotation and pathway analysis. Takes sever...ertion sequences, transposons and other mobile elements. PAGIT compiled four tools: (i) ABACAS which classifies...

    2325 days ago