Results for "bio marker discovery"

Top-level pages

  • Bioinformatics Definitions

    "Bioinformatics is a science of biological predictions and analys...of the field is to enable the discovery of new biological insig...ortant sub-disciplines within bioinformatics: (1) the developme...First, the phenomenal rate of biolog...searches are the predominant bioinformatics application, and very ef...

    3941 days ago

  • Data Mining in Bioinformatics

    ...raud detection and scientific discovery. Data Mining for Bioinformatics enables never simple. In molecular biology, it’s becoming with Clementine htt.../pubs/gene_mapping_by_pattern_discovery.pdf Data Mining and Text Min...

    3940 days ago

  • Bioinformatics Algorithms

    An algorithm is a computable set of steps to achieve a desired result. We use algorithms...ic Attempt to find solutions to problems by mimicking biolog...lete. Algorithms resources on net. Graph Algorithms in Bioinform...

    3940 days ago

  • List of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Journals

    Hi Bioinformatician and Computational Biologist, this is the comprehensive list of all (?) the bioinformatics and computational...S) Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery The EMBO Journal Current Op...harmacological Sciences Drug Discovery Today Others Free Online Ful...

    3721 days ago

  • Bioinformatics Courses Around the World

    Bioinformatics Courses around the world Here is the list Bioinformatics courses offered ar...structural and computational biology and molecular biophysics...bsp;M.S. and Ph.D. program in biomedial informatics University...ers Undergraduate research in Bioinformatics University of Wes...

    3937 days ago

  • Bioinformatics Companies in India

    Following are the list of top 30 bioinformatics companies in India. 5. Bijam Biosciences Private 6. Bio Base Databases India Pvt 12. Genvea 23. Ocimum Biosoluti...

    3919 days ago

  • List of pharmacogenomics companies worldwide

    Pharmacogenomics are the most promising area of research. Here is the list of www.gatc-biotech.c...

    3915 days ago

  • Useful Links for Bioinformaticians

    Bioinformatics demands knowledge of various inter-linked subjec...ks of some the good computer, biology and related tutorials.& Perl for Biologists (Weizmann Institute)...utorials.html Welcome to the Bioperl Project ! XML Tutorial...ion of Multivariate Data from Biologica...

    3124 days ago

  • Best book Titles for Learning Bionformatics

    ...Evolutionary Computation in Bioinformatics, Gary B. Fogel, Da...te, 2001, Wiley-Interscience Bioinformatics: The Machine Learn...Mathematical Society Pattern Discovery in Biomolecular Data: T...1998, Elsevier Science Ltd. Biolog...Proteomics: Tools for the New Biology , Daniel C. Liebler (Editor), 2...

    3911 days ago

  • Useful Publications and Websites for Deep Sequencing Data Analysis

    ...quencing Genome-wide genetic marker discovery and genotyping using next-...Text Imputation of unordered markers and the impact on genomic A framework for variation discovery and genotyping using next-gen...Software from the Center for Bioinformatics and Computational Biolog...

    3773 days ago