Results for "clonal evolution"

ResearchLabs posts

  • Raphael Lab

    Raphael Lab research is focused on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology. Curr...ion DNA sequencing, structural variation, genome rearrangements in cancer and evolution, and network analysis of soma...

    3222 days ago

  • Genome Stability Laboratory

    The bakers yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae is an ideal model organism to understand...odel. These studies are relevant for understanding cancer progression, genome evolution and architecture. We use high...

    2975 days ago

  • Radka Reifová Lab

    We are generally interested in the mechanisms of species origin from a molecular and...understand the role of interspecific competition and song convergence in the evolution of reproductive isolation bet...

    2996 days ago

  • Katju Lab

    TheLab seek to understand the genetic factors contributin...employ molecular and bioinformatic tools to study evolutionary processes at the level of...ts encompass a wide range of topics, including the evolution of organellar and nuclear gen...

    2986 days ago

  • Navin Lab

    ...sequencing technologies. They apply these tools to study complex biological processes that occur in human cancers including tumor initation, clonal evolution, invasion, metastasis and che...

    2903 days ago

  • The Kingsley Lab

    The Molecular Basis of Vertebrate Evolution. Naturally occurring species show spectacular differences in morphol...pproaches to identify the detailed molecular mechanisms that control evolutionary change in vertebrates.

    2887 days ago

  • Venkatesh Lab

    We are using a comparative genomics approach to better understand the structure, function and evolution of the human genome. Our grou...

    2687 days ago

  • Genomic approaches to study global regulation of gene expression in the mouse immune system

    This group seeks to elucidate the principles of protein structure evolution, higher order protein structure and prote...

    2327 days ago

  • Eugene V. Koonin Lab

    Interested in understanding the evolution of life. To obtain glimpses of such understanding, we employ existing and new methods of computational biology to perform research in several major areas.

    2302 days ago

  • Hejnol Group

    The group studies a broad range of animal taxa using morphological and molecular tools to unravel the evolution and development of animal organ systems. To understand the evolution of the biodiversity seen on p...

    2258 days ago