Results for "genome"


  • Estimate Genome Size with Jellyfish and R

    jellyfish count -t 8 -C -m 19 -s 5G -o 19mer_out --min-qual-char=? /common/Tutorial/Genome_estimation/sample_read_1.fastq /common/Tutorial/Genome_estimation/sample_read_2.fastq #-t -treads=unit32 Nu...

    2241 days ago

  • Genome Covered !

    zero=$(bedtools genomecov -ibam BAM -g hg38.fasta -bga | awk '$4==0 {bpCountZero+=($3-$2)} {print bpCountZero}' | tail -1) nonzero=$(bedtools genomecov -ibam BAM -g hg38.fasta -bga | awk '$4>0 {bpCountNonZero+=($3-$2)} {print bpCountNonZero}' | tail -1) percent=$(bc

    2205 days ago

  • Coverage / Depth of reads !

    ...samtools mpileup mapping_result_sorted.bam | awk -v X="${MIN_COVERAGE_DEPTH}" '$4>=X' | wc -l 32876 # get length of reference genome bowtie2-inspect -s refgenome | awk '{ FS = "\t" } ; BEGIN{...

    2205 days ago

  • Perl script to find the distance beetween all the contigs and scaffolds

    ...ct; use warnings; use Bio::SeqIO; $| = 1; #Script to see the distance beetween all the contigs and scaffolds #Usage: perl genome.fa > HammingDist.txt #Depend...

    2135 days ago

  • Perl script to run SATSUMA in loop ! perl for SATSUMA analysis # User need to set the reference multifasta file name here my $seqfile=""; my $queryfile = "genome.fasta"; # Ur query genome my $tarfile = "renamedAdinet...

    2135 days ago

  • Perl script to convert GFF 2 FASTA !

    ...ion of the gene (likely including the promoter) ### First, index the genome my $file_fasta = $ARGV[0]; my $db = Bio::DB::Fasta->new($file_fasta); print ("Genome fasta parsed\n"); ###...

    2134 days ago

  • Bash script to run Busco2 !

    ...e/MyDDrive/longMIRA_canuCorrect_sspaceLong/GRAAL_Haploid/adineta_p_lvl6/genome_CORRECTED2.fasta -c 30 -l metazoa_odb9 -o GRAALHaploid_BUSCO -m genome -f #Plot BUSCO python B...

    2132 days ago

  • Perl subroutine to read genome/reads fasta file !

    sub readSeqFromFasta{ my $file = $_[0]; my (%map,$id,$seq); open(IN,$file) or die("Cannot open file for reading $file:$!\n"); while(){ chomp; if($_ =~ /^>...

    2128 days ago

  • Fastq-dump for SRA download

    ...redacted -E|--qual-filter Filter used in early 1000 Genomes data: no...>= 10N --qual-filter-1 Filter used in current 1000 Genomes data Filters based on al...

    2121 days ago

  • Downloading GATK !

    ...ile(s). CollectRawWgsMetrics (Picard) Collect whole genome sequencing-related metrics....Collect metrics about coverage and performance of whole genome sequencing (WGS) experiments....

    2070 days ago