Results for "hits"


  • RaghavaGPS

    About me: ...number of services developed/maintained from a single group in the world). These services are heavily used by scientific community, nearly 100,000 hits per day. Group published more...

    3633 days ago


  • BBTools for bioinformatician !

    ...ame sensitivity as BBMap by adding the flags "minid=0.76 maxindel=16k minhits=1". With those parameters it...this percentage had never been seen before". In this mode, once the line hits zero, sequencing more is not...

    2409 days ago



Top-level pages

Wire posts

  • Quickly #Finding #Orthologs as Reciprocal Best #Hits with #BLAT, #LAST, and #UBLAST: How Much Do We Miss?

    2684 days ago

  • Find matching file names with pattern in a directory. $ ls -dq *_name2search_* | wc -l #file #search #hits #pattern #names #directory

    2375 days ago

  • +1 more Wire posts



  • Blast result parser with Perl and Bioperl

    ...x output file and output the top N hits of each blast search result....f (@ARGV != 3); my ($infile,$numHits,$outfile) = @ARGV; print "Pa...ry_length; # output "no hits found" if there is no hits...# flow control for the number of hits needed last if ($count ==...

    3053 days ago

  • blastpgp arguments !

    ...default = stdin -A Multiple Hits window size (zero for single...40 -f Threshold for extending hits [Integer] default = 0...efault = 7.0 -P 0 for multiple hits 1-pass, 1 for single hit 1-pa...default = 0 -K Number of best hits from a region to keep [Intege...

    1088 days ago

  • +1 more Bio-Scripts
