Alternative content
# Dr. Xiaodong Bai
# It may be freely distributed under GNU General Public License.
# This script will parse a NCBI blastx output file and output the top N hits of each blast search result.
# For each hit, the following results are reported:
# accesion number, length, description, E value, bit score, query frame, query start, query end, hit start, hit end, positives, and identical
# The results are tab-deliminated and ready for import into a spreadsheet program for browsing and further analysis.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Bio::SearchIO;
# Usage information
die "Usage: $0 <BLAST-report-file> <number-of-top-hits> <output-file>\n", if (@ARGV != 3);
my ($infile,$numHits,$outfile) = @ARGV;
print "Parsing the BLAST result ...";
my $in = Bio::SearchIO->new(-format => 'blast', -file => $infile);
open (OUT,">$outfile") or die "Cannot open $outfile: $!";
# print the header info for tab-deliminated columns
print OUT "query_name\tquery_length\taccession_number\tlength\tdescription\tE value\tbit score\tframe\tquery_start\t";
print OUT "query_end\thit_start\thit_end\tpositives\tidentical\n";
# extraction of information for each result recursively
while ( my $result = $in->next_result ) {
# the name of the query sequence
print OUT $result->query_name . "\t";
# the length of the query sequence
print OUT $result->query_length;
# output "no hits found" if there is no hits
if ( $result->num_hits == 0 ) {
print OUT "\tNo hits found\n";
} else {
my $count = 0;
# process each hit recursively
while (my $hit = $result->next_hit) {
print OUT "\t" if ($count > 0);
# get the accession numbers of the hits
print OUT "\t" . $hit->accession . "\t";
# get the lengths of the hit sequences
print OUT $hit->length . "\t";
# get the description of the hit sequences
print OUT $hit->description . "\t";
# get the E value of the hit
print OUT $hit->significance . "\t";
#get the bit score of the hit
print OUT $hit->bits . "\t";
my $hspcount = 0;
# process the top HSP for the top hit
while (my $hsp = $hit->next_hsp) {
print OUT "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t", if ($hspcount > 0);
# get the frame of the query sequence
print OUT $hsp->query->frame . "\t";
# get the start and the end of the query sequence in the alignment
print OUT $hsp->start('query') . "\t" . $hsp->end('query'). "\t";
# get the start and the end of the hit sequence in the alignment
print OUT $hsp->start('hit') . "\t" . $hsp->end('hit') . "\t";
# get the similarity value
printf OUT "%.1f" , ($hsp->frac_conserved * 100);
print OUT "%\t";
# get the identity value
printf OUT "%.1f" , ($hsp->frac_identical * 100);
print OUT "%\n";
# flow control for the number of hits needed
last if ($count == $numHits);
close OUT;
print " DONE!!!\n";