Results for "individual"


  • Genetic Algorithms demonstration with word DNA in Perl

    ...ion = shift @_; foreach my $individual (@$population) { # set the...# on the individual's DNA $individual->{fitness} = $fitness_functio...ample(), probably all individuals have died" unless define...e = shift @_; foreach my $individual (@$population) { # only...

    2510 days ago

  • Fastq-dump for SRA download

    ...split into individual reads --split-spot Split spots into individual reads Full Spot Filters...stance on the same reference Filters for individual reads Applied only with...

    2265 days ago

  • Download with Snakemake !

    ...h et al, 2016 study rule download_all: input: expand("rnaseq/raw_data/{sample}.fq.gz", sample=SAMPLES) # rule to download each individual file specified in sample_link...

    1654 days ago

  • Downloading GATK !

    ...ks that all data in the input files appear to have come from the same individual CrosscheckReadGroupFinge...kFingerprints. Checks if all read groups appear to come from the same individual. EstimateLibraryComplexi...

    2214 days ago

  • Commands to install conda in Ubuntu !

    ...rties. These are available on an "as is" basis and subject to their individual license agreements. These l...rty to ols you obtain via Anaconda Distribution are subject to their individual license s as well as the Ana...

    1650 days ago

  • Steps to install Conda on Linux !

    ...or Linux. ( ) Anaconda installer for Linux. ( ) $ chmod 777 Anaconda3-20...

    1321 days ago

  • Awk build in commands ! In Awk Awk’s built-in variables include the field variables—$1, $2, $3, and so on ($0 is the entire line) — that break a line of text into individual words or pieces called fields...

    1033 days ago