Results for "output"

Top-level pages

  • Parallel Processing with Perl !

    ...UAL, LOCK_EX or die “cant lock file $!”;print $QUAL “$output”;flock $QUAL, LOCK_UN o...ut interfering with the other process. I again will not suggest writing output from each child process to on...

    2218 days ago

  • Benchmarking Perl Module !

    The benchmark module is a great tool to know the time the code takes to run. The output is usually in terms of CPU time. This module provides us with a way to optimize our code. With...

    2218 days ago

  • Frequent parameters for bioinformatics tools !

    ...--subset 1000 (for PacBio)   SPAdes --careful --disable-gzip-output --cov-cutoff auto --phred-o...ftools call (SNP detection) --variants-only --skip-variants indels --output-type v --ploidy 1 -c  ...

    1424 days ago

  • Short-read assembly using Spades !

    ...--cov-cutoff auto computes the coverage threshold (rather than the default setting, “off”) -o is the output directory Results Move into the output directory and look at the con...

    963 days ago

  • Steps to find all the repeats in the genome !

    ...l -poly -species <species_name> -dir <output_directory> -length <min...he name of the species you are analyzing. <output_directory>: The it to conveniently parse the RepeatMasker output files. Here's an example of h...

    387 days ago