Results for "read"





  • Life of BI !!!

    Hmm .. Don't worry you read it right .. this is not pi but bi ... "life of Bioinformatician(BI)".  Disclaimer: This cartoon is solely designed to create humour and fun, not to offend any PI, supervisor or student.

    4044 days ago

  • Download blasr 1.3 version

    ...// "OPERA-LG_v2.0.5/bin/" and have the following e...Finding the SA coordinates of the reads using BWA aln...[Thu Jun 14...FALCON-Unzip-Scaff.bamMapping long-reads using blasr.../home/urbe/Too...

    2290 days ago


Top-level pages

  • Bioinformatics Algorithms

    ...and in such manner that from the outcome we can read a definite answer, "yes" or "...amming avoids recomputing solutions that have already been computed. - The••http:...

    4085 days ago

  • Best book Titles for Learning Bionformatics

    ...can add to our intellect more than reading a book.  In books, and other people’s lives. Reading can make us more intelligent, updated, imaginative. Without reading we wouldn’t know any...uman Molecular Genetics, Andrew P. Read, Tom Strachan 1999, BIOS Scie...

    4056 days ago

  • +39 more Top-level pages

Wire posts

  • Extract list of read ID from bam file: samtools view mbi.sorted.bam |perl -ne '/ID/ && print' > extractedID.sam #Extract #Ids #SAM #BAM #NGS

    3773 days ago

  • Assemble short reads #Tutorial #ABySS #Bacteria #Reads #Assembly #Genomics #NGS

    3759 days ago

  • +14 more Wire posts


Opportunity posts

ResearchLabs posts

  • Anders Krogh Lab

    ...nd structure prediction are the main areas; and protein structure, where the group is working on methods for structure prediction from sequence. To read more about these topics, plea...

    4008 days ago

  • The Mills lab

    ...variety of SV discovery approaches including: (i) paired-end mapping (or read pair analysis) based on abnormally mapped pairs of clone ends; (ii) read-depth analysis, which detects...

    3131 days ago

  • +1 more ResearchLabs posts






  • Nanopore read error correction challenge #Nanopore #Read #Correction

    Tags: Nanopore, Read, Correction

    1692 days ago

  • #Short #read #alignment: an #introduction

    Tags: Short, read, alignment, introduction

    2313 days ago

  • +1 more Tags


  • Comment on "A quick guide to Phred scaling"

    ...r representing the quality scores of sequencing reads. It is used to quantify the...y of an error in each base call in a sequencing read. Here is a quick guide to a common format used for storing sequencing reads. Each quality score is repre...

    554 days ago

  • Comment on "Short-read assembly using Spades !"

    ...pular software tool for short-read assembly. Here are the genera...ortant to ensure that the raw reads are of high quality and do n...o output_directory -1 forward_reads.fastq -2 reverse_reads.fastq...e the general steps for short-read assembly using SPAdes. Howeve...

    554 days ago

  • +36 more Comments